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Cations - key elements for life of eukaryotic cells

Monovalent cations H+, K+, and Na+ are key elements of life required for all cellular functions. Their  intracellular concentrations are determined via the activity of membrane proteins - transporters and channels mediating the continuous flux of cations and protons into and from cells with various transport mechanisms. Using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a eukaryotic model organism, the project will study new regulatory mechanisms maintaining monovalent-cation homeostasis in cells. The results will provide new insights into the regulation of cation homeostasis on the level of (i) particular cation transporters’ proteostasis (expression, biogenesis, function, and degradation) and (ii) their distribution/organization in the plasma membrane. Obtained results will significantly advance our knowledge of molecular mechanisms required to maintain cation homeostasis and their physiological importance in healthy organisms.