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Recent publication: Entrainment of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Fibroblasts by Temperature Cycles.

Sládek, M. & Sumová, A. Entrainment of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Fibroblasts by Temperature Cycles. PLoS One 8, e77010 (2013).

Regular daily changes in body temperature are one of the signals that entrain the circadian clock in peripheral organs. In this paper, we used isolated cell cultures from Wistar rats and SHR transfected with circadian luminescent reporter to investigate the sensitivity of the peripheral clock to the phase setting through an external 2.5 ° C temperature cycle. We have shown that a mere two-day temperature cycle is sufficient to restore dampened circadian rhythms and we constructed a curve of phase response to the temperature cycle.



The phase change after the temperature cycle depends on the phase of the clock at the beginning of the temperature cycle.