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Modulation of NMDA receptors by neurosteroids

Barbora Krausová, Bohdan Kysilov, Jiří Černý, Ladislav Vyklický

Neurosteroids are steroidal compounds produced by the nervous tissue and thought to regulate neural activity locally through direct modulation of membrane receptors. NMDA receptors, in contrast to AMPA/kainate receptors, are significantly influenced by neurosteroids. Pregnanolone sulfate (PA-S) inhibits NMDA receptors, while structurally similar pregnenolone sulfate (PE-S) has a potentiating effect. We are focusing on the following areas. 


Diverse effects of neurosteroids on NMDA receptor activity: Pregnanolone sulfate (PA-S) inhibits NMDA receptors, while structurally similar pregnenolone sulfate (PE-S) has a potentiating effect.