The inverted confocal microscope CARV II/Nikon Ti-E enables to acquire 3D image data. The rotating Nipkow disk allows to acquire the whole field of view confocally in milliseconds. The monochromatic CCD camera guarantees high image quality with high quantum efficiency. The system includes many optical elements, which enable to observe standard fluorescent dyes, such as DAPI, GFP, TexasRed etc. The set includes incubation chamber for imaging live cultures. The system is suitable for fast imaging of thick, rough samples especially when a big amount of image data is demanded. The microscope operating software NIS-Elements AR enables to automatically acquire multichannel images, to record time-lapse images, optical z-sections or imaging of multiple places in x, y and z planes and to process and evaluate image data.
The basic specification of CARV II/Nikon Ti-E microscope:
- inverted fluorescence motorized microscope Nikon Ti-E
- confocal scanner represented by Nipkow spinning disc Crest CARV II
- mercury lamp X-Cite® 120PC Q or bulb
- monochromatic CCD camera Hamamatsu Orca-R2
- incubation system Okolab UNO
- Nikon CFI Plan Fluor 10×, DIC, 10×/0.3 NA, WD = 16 mm
- Nikon CFI ADL 10×, Ph, 10×/0.25, WD = 6.2 mm
- Nikon CFI Plan Fluor 20×, DIC, 20×/0.5 NA, WD = 2.1 mm
- Nikon CFI S Fluor 40× Oil, DIC, 40×/1.3 NA, WD = 0.22 mm
- Nikon CFI Plan Apo Lambda 60× Oil, DIC, 60×/1.4 NA, WD = 0.13 mm
- Nikon CFI Plan Apo VC 100× Oil, DIC, 100×/1.4 NA, WD = 0.13 mm
Software NIS-Elements AR for microscope operation, data processing and evaluation.