Secondary School Students

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Senior teacher teaching biology to his high school students in laboratory.

Open Science

The Open Science project aims to support talented students interested in science and research. Through scientific internships for high school students, it enables students to gain valuable experience in scientific practice, motivating them to pursue higher studies in scientific fields and subsequently to choose a scientific career. The interns are involved in the activities of the top departments of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the internships expose them to current scientific research.

You can try out how science is done, under the direct guidance of scientists. The Institute of Physiology offers talented high school students the opportunity to participate in the Institute’s research activities for a year.

Achievements of students under the guidance of supervisors from IPHYS


Martin Kubeš

Martin Kubeš, a student who did his internship at IPHYS in the Open Science project in the Laboratory of Membrane Transport under the supervision of Dr. Olga Zimmermann, took 1st place in the category of Life Sciences with his presentation entitled "Cations - key elements for the life of eukaryotic cells".


Anna Urushadze

Anna Urushadze, a student who did her internship at IPHYS in the Open Science project in the Laboratory of Neurochemistry under the supervision of Dr. Helena Janickova, received for her work the Learned Society Award in the category of high school student. Anna is a student of the Gymnasium Botičská and the jury appreciated her work: Motor learning in a mouse VPA model of autism.

Are you interested in how internships at IPHYS are evaluated by their graduates from previous years?

Secondary School Expert Activity (SOČ)

Secondary School Students - soc

Secondary School Expert Activity (SOČ) is a prestigious, multidisciplinary competition for talented high school students. It is not only about knowledge, but equally important is the ability to work independently, which the finalists defend before a jury of experts. Students gain comprehensive experience in designing experiments, interpreting results and presenting data.

The Institute of Physiology regularly awards the “Prize of the Director of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS” in the Healthcare category.

Achievements of students under the guidance of supervisors from IPHYS:

Student: Martin Nedecký, Gymnázium Jiřího Ortena, Kutná Hora

Supervisor: Jakub Otáhal (FGÚ)

1st place in the regional round of Healthcare in 2022

Title: Účinek sulforafanu na regionální průtok krve mozkem

Student: Anna Urushadze

Supervisor: Helena Janíčková (FGÚ)

1st place in the regional round of Healthcare in 2021

Title: Motorické učení u myšího VPA modelu autismu

Student: Veronika Musílková, Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera, Praha

Supervisor: Jana Musílková, FGÚ

3rd place in Biology at the 42nd National Show of Secondary School Expert Activity in 2020

Title: Vliv VEGF růstového faktoru na diferenciaci kmenových buněk směrem k hladkému svalu

Special award: Wider nomination for international participation