
Popularization - bg 3

We organize a number of activities for the general and professional public. Regular activities include the Open Day during the Week of the Academy of Sciences of the CAS (November), participation in the Brain Week (February), Science Fair (June) and the lecture series Human Body in Health and Disease (twice a year, spring/autumn). We have developed two interactive programs to introduce the topics of our research: Memory Park and Physiological chamber of J. E. Purkyně. You can discover the world of physiology also online. You can find out more about our institute on our about page.

Summary information can also be found in the Institute’s promotional brochure (2020).

Public events

Important success

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Planned events

From 4th to 10th of November 2024...
Prednáší: RNDr. Jan Svoboda, Ph.D. (FGÚ AV CR) a Prof. MUDr. Jan Laczó, Ph.D. (Neurologická klinika 2.LF UK a FN Motol) v rámci cyklu prednášek "Lidské telo ve zdraví i nemoci"...
"The human body in health and disease" lecture series interprets research of human diseases in the laboratories of the Institute of Physiology and also represents common and necessary collaboration of scientists...
From 10th to 16th od March 2025...

Past events

30. 5. - 1.6.2024, PVA Letnany Program...
Prednáší: Ondrej Kuda (FGÚ AV CR) a Marcela Krížová (Ústav pro péci o matku a díte) v rámci cyklu prednášek "Lidské telo ve zdraví i nemoci" AV CR, Národní 3, Praha...
"The human body in health and disease" lecture series interprets research of human diseases in the laboratories of the Institute of Physiology and also represents common and necessary collaboration of scientists...
Prednáší: JAN SVOBODA, v rámci Týdne mozku Akademie ved CR, Praha 1, Národní 1009/3 (sál c. 206) REZERVACE...
Prednáší: MARTIN BALAŠTÍK, v rámci Týdne mozku Akademie ved CR, Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, (sál c. 206) REZERVACE...
Prednáší: ALEŠ STUCHLÍK, prednáška v rámci Týden mozku Akademie ved CR, Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, sál c. 206 REZERVACE...
Program and registration...
Prednáší: Michaela Tencerová (FGÚ AV CR) a Vít Zikán ((III. interní klinika LF UK a VFN) v rámci cyklu prednášek "Lidské telo ve zdraví i nemoci" AV CR, Národní 3, Praha...
"The human body in health and disease" lecture series interprets research of human diseases in the laboratories of the Institute of Physiology and also represents common and necessary collaboration of scientists...
Zacátek v 9 hod a ve 13 hod. Více...


PR specialista
Tel: 2413
Email: Diana.Moosova@fgu.cas.cz