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Laboratory of Bioenergetics, IPHYS...
Laboratory of Neurochemistry, IPHYS...
Laboratory of Pain Research, IPHYS...
Laboratory of Membrane Transport, IPHYS...
Laboratory of Adipose Tissue Biology, IPHYS...
From 4th to 10th of November 2024...
Prednáší: RNDr. Jan Svoboda, Ph.D. (FGÚ AV CR) a Prof. MUDr. Jan Laczó, Ph.D. (Neurologická klinika 2.LF UK a FN Motol) v rámci cyklu prednášek "Lidské telo ve zdraví i nemoci"...
"The human body in health and disease" lecture series interprets research of human diseases in the laboratories of the Institute of Physiology and also represents common and necessary collaboration of scientists...
From 10th to 16th od March 2025...