Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience

Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience - bg 3

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Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience - stazeny soubor 4

About the Laboratory


Theoretical methods are employed to describe and understand particular processes in neural systems on the level of single cells or populations. The focus is mainly on the neural coding problem, mathematical models of neuronal activity, and biophysical modeling of axon growth and circuit formation. The results are validated by using experimental data and numerical simulations. Information theory, stochastic processes, differential equations and statistics provide the necessary tools.


We are involved in:


Publication year

Prestigious publication

Search publication

Bárta; Tomáš - Monsempés; Ch. - Demondion; E. - Chatterjee; A. - Košťál; Lubomír - Lucas; P. Stimulus duration encoding occurs early in the moth olfactory pathway. Communications Biology. 2024; 7(1); 1252.

IF = 5.2

Lánský; Petr - Polito; F. - Sacerdote; L. Input-output consistency in integrate and fire interconnected neurons. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2023; 440(1 March)); 127630.

IF = 3.5

Lee; H. - Košťál; Lubomír - Kanzaki; R. - Kobayashi; R. Spike frequency adaptation facilitates the encoding of input gradient in insect olfactory projection neurons. Biosystems. 2023; 223(January)); 104802.

IF = 2.0

Kortus; Štěpán - Řeháková; Kristýna - Klíma; Martin - Kolcheva; Marharyta - Ladislav; Marek - Langore; Emily - Baráčková; Petra - Netolický; Jakub - Misiachna; Anna - Hemelíková; Katarína - Humpolíčková; Jana - Chalupská; Dominika - Šilhán; Jan - Kaniaková; Martina - Hrčka Krausová; Barbora - Bouřa; Evžen - Zápotocký; Martin - Horák; Martin Subunit-Dependent Surface Mobility and Localization of NMDA Receptors in Hippocampal Neurons Measured Using Nanobody Probes. Journal of Neuroscience. 2023; 43(26); 4755-4774.

IF = 4.4

Bárta; Tomáš - Košťál; Lubomír Shared input and recurrency in neural networks for metabolically efficient information transmission. PLoS Computational Biology. 2024; 20(2); e1011896.

IF = 3.8

Rajdl; Kamil - Košťál; Lubomír Estimation of the instantaneous spike train variability. Chaos Solitons & Fractals. 2023; 177(December); 114280.

IF = 5.3


Head of Laboratory

Tel: 2276

Deputy Head of Laboratory

Tel: 2708

Laboratory staff

Odborný pracovník VaV
Tel: 2539
Graduate student
Tel: 2876