Lecture “Neutral lipid hydrolases in the spotlight of metabolism”

Prof. Renate Schreiber, University of Graz

Adipocytes within adipose tissue play a key role in controlling energy homeostasis. During overnutrition, adipocytes store energy as triacylglycerol (TG) in cytosolic lipid droplets. Upon energy need, TGs are mobilized by hydrolases in a process termed lipolysis to supply the body with fatty acids for fuel, signaling molecules, and building blocks for cellular membranes. The two enzymes accounting for more than 90% of adipocyte TG hydrolase activity are adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL). How the loss of both lipases affects brown and white adipose tissue physiology upon metabolic stress like cold and aging will be discussed in this seminar.

IPHYS contact person: Ondřej Kuda, ondrej.kuda@fgu.cas.cz