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Implants - yes, but only for health reasons (1.7. 2024)

It seems to be a common thing that many women are considering today, mostly for cosmetic reasons - breast implants. The human body accepts them quite well. Yet it is still a foreign material that can change position, crack, disintegrate. That's why it's worth weighing up all the advantages and disadvantages. However, Lucie Bačáková from the Institute of Physiology of the CAS warns against unnecessary interventions and says: "Implants - yes, but only for health reasons". It is very important to raise awareness on this topic, so Lucie Bačáková gave an interview to the weekly magazine Blesk pro ženy,  which has a high readership - every issue is read by almost 600 thousand readers. 

Obesity - a serious contemporary problem (17.6. 2024)

More than 60 per cent of Czechs are overweight, and also a quarter of children are overweight. Obesity is a disease significantly influenced by genes and partly by lifestyle. It also triggers many other diseases. How to treat it? And why do obese people have a much harder time losing weight than others? Petr Zouhar from the Laboratory of Adipose Tissue Biology at the Institute of Physiology of the CAS answers these questions.


Replacement vessels from the umbilical cord (6.6. 2024)

Thanks to tissue engineering, we can now replace blood vessels, cartilage, joints, heart valves and many other parts of the body that fail in the human body. The Laboratory of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering at the Institute of Physiology deals with this issue and is headed by Lucie Bačáková. What does she think about the rapid progress in the field of tissue engineering, the invention of replacement organs applicable to humans, and why it makes sense to continue research that could become a reality in the distant future? Find out more about this interesting topic in a large interview with Lucie Bačáková for the magazine Zázraky medicíny


Science Fair attracted nearly 60 thousand science fans (3.6. 2024)

The Science Fair that took place last week in Letňany was visited by an incredible 58 000 VISITORS! At the stand of the Institute of Physiology, visitors could learn how epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease or diabetes is caused. They could learn more about the human body, try to solve a scientific crossword puzzle, build a model of the heart or brain or look at the yeast under a microscope. The atmosphere at the fair was perfect and we are already looking forward to the next year!



170 000 views of the interview with Lucie Bačáková. Topic? Implants! (7.5. 2024)

Almost 170,000 people were interested in the topic of implants, which Lucie Bačáková from the Institute of Physiology introduces in an interview. Implants do not serve to save humanity, but only as a last step when treatment and prevention have failed in a patient. According to her, people should avoid reaching for implants only for beautification. They are a foreign thing to the body. And it puts biochemical and mechanical stress on the implant. Over time, micro and nanoparticles will be released from the implant. All implants run the risk of adverse events and the need for reoperation. Interview

How to train memory? (6.5. 2024)

In moments of desperation, when we can't remember our credit card PIN for the life of us, it seems impossible. In reality, however, the capacity of our brains is enormous. It is estimated that the average brain has the capacity to store a staggering 2.5 million gigabytes of digital memory. But there's a catch. We don't just use it to store information. What's more, memories are recorded differently in the brain than information in a computer, which remains as it was written. How can we remember better? And what are effective training techniques? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in a great interview with Aleš Stuchlík in Téma magazine. Interview

Ondřej Kuda a Marcela Křížová zaujali přednáškou "Mateřské mléko - bílé zlato" (26.4. 2024)

Mateřské mléko je nenahraditelným zdrojem výživy, které se svým složením přizpůsobuje individuálním potřebám miminka. Velice zajímavá přednáška na téma unikátnosti a nenahraditelnosti mateřského mléka pro výživu novorozenců proběhla 24.4. v Akademii věd na Národní třídě. Ondřej Kuda z FGÚ popsal vlastnosti mateřského mléka ve spojitosti s novými zjištěními a vyzdvihl přínos spolupráce s Ústavem pro matku a dítě v Podolí. Marcela Křížová z Ústavu pro matku a dítě v Podolí přiblížila fungování Banky mateřského mléka v ÚPMD a popsala např. nové postupy při péči o nedonošené novorozence.

Přednášku byla realizována v rámci cyklu "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci". Cyklus přednášek "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci" přibližuje zkoumání podstaty závažných onemocnění člověka v laboratořích FGÚ a zároveň představuje vzájemnou a nepostradatelnou spolupráci vědců s klinickými lékaři. Další přednáška bude věnována tématu Alzheimerovy nemoci jejíž úskalí a specifika v souvislosti s narušenou prostorovou pamětí přiblíží Jan Svoboda (FGÚ AV ČR) a Jan Laczó (Neurologická klinika 2.LF UK a FN Motol). Přednáška se bude konat 20. listopadu od 17 hod. v Akademii věd na Národní třídě.

Invitation to the lecture " Maternal Milk - White Gold" (26.3. 2024)

Dovolujeme si vás pozvat na přednášku "Mateřské mléko- bílé zlato". Přednáší: Ondřej Kuda (FGÚ AV ČR) a Marcela Křížová (Ústav pro péči o matku a dítě)
Přednášku pořádá FGÚ v rámci cyklu "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci". Cyklus přednášek "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci" přibližuje zkoumání podstaty závažných onemocnění člověka v laboratořích FGÚ a zároveň představuje vzájemnou a nepostradatelnou spolupráci vědců s klinickými lékaři.

Do not forget about Alzheimer's disease (12.3. 2024)

It is not only in connection with Brain Week that we bring you a reflection on the current topic. How widespread is Alzheimer's disease in our country? How many people have it?  What is the current state of Alzheimer's medication? Do some drugs help even a little? And what about our personal prevention. How should we live and what should we really care about? Tomáš Petrásek from the Institute of Physiology talks about all this topics in the Czech Radio

70 years of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS (11.3. 2024)

Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences was founded seventy years ago, on 1 January 1954, within the (then still Czechoslovak) Academy of Sciences. Since then it has been systematically engaged in research in the field of normal and pathological physiology. We are characterizing in increasing depth the basic biological mechanisms with a bearing on human beings and medicine. In the seventy years that have passed since the Institute was founded, our society has grown considerably older and fatter. Modern medicine is thus facing new challenges in the form of an increased onslaught of so-called civilization diseases. The main current goal of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS is to research the causes of these non-infectious diseases associated with obesity and ageing.

For this year's 70th anniversary of the Institute's foundation, we are preparing a number of activities. The first of these is a series of four articles on current research topics, which appeared in the journal Vesmír (3/2024):

70 let Fyziologického ústavu AV ČR: Pomáháme odhalovat podstatu závažných onemocnění (Jan Kopecký)

Padesát odstínů malých šedých buněk (Helena Janíčková)

Epitranskriptom: klíč ke zdravému srdci? (Daniel Benák a Markéta Hlaváčková)

Inzulinem to nekončí: Zdravé beta-buňky jsou budoucností léčby diabetu (Lydie Plecitá Hlavatá)

Brain Week begins! (11.3. 2024)

Brain Week is a festival of the latest discoveries and trends in brain research and neuroscience, part of Brain Awareness Week (BAW) - a global campaign to raise public awareness of the achievements and benefits of brain research. The tradition of Brain Week in the Czech Republic was initiated and founded by Czech neuroscientist Prof. Josef Syka in 1998.
Discover how your brain works, what lies behind its complex mechanisms and how you can improve your life by taking care of it. Experience an unforgettable experience full of inspiration, knowledge and fun!

Institute of Physiology would like to invite you to three lectures (in Czech language only):

Paměť, věk, a Alzheimerova nemoc: čelíme výzvám stáří

pondělí 11. 3., 14:00/ Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, Akademie věd ČR, sál č. 206


Regulace mikrotubulů – mezi vývojem mozku a neurovývojovými poruchami

úterý 12. 3., 9:00 / Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, Akademie věd ČR, sál č. 206


Jak vzpomínky přecházejí z krátkodobé do dlouhodobé paměti

čtvrtek 14. 3., 14:00 / Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, Akademie věd ČR, sál č. 206



For our lectures (and most other events) it is necessary to reserve a place, but the entrance is traditionally free!! We look forward to seeing you! 


Two IPHYS principal investigators were successful in the competition of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Inter-Excellence II USA (19.12. 2023)

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has announced the results of the public competition in research, development and innovation LUAUS24 (bilateral projects Czech Republic - United States of America) in the programme of support for international cooperation in research, development and innovation INTER-EXCELLENCE II (code: LU), sub-programme INTER-ACTION for projects with a duration of 2024-2028. From a total of eight submitted projects, two researchers from FGÚ succeeded with their projects "New metabolic pathways of lipid movement" (investigator: RNDr. Ondřej Kuda, Ph.D.) and "Clinical metabolomics and lipidomics as innovative tools for diagnosis and characterization of heart and kidney diseases" (investigator: doc. Ing. Tomáš Čajka, Ph.D.). Congratulations to both researchers!

Ondřej Kuda received Prize of Minister of Education (21.11. 2023)

RNDr. Ondřej Kuda, Ph.D., Head of Laboratory of Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids at the Institute of Physiology of the CAS, received the Prize of the Minister of Education for outstanding results in research, experimental development and innovation on 20 November 2023. The prize was awarded for the results of research on the new signaling lipid molecules that suppress inflammation and improve glucose metabolism in patients with diabetes.

photo: MŠMT

Alexandra Ptáková received the Rector's Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement within the Charles University Grant Agency support (20.11. 2023)

On Friday, 17 November 2023, Alexandra Ptáková received the Rector's Award for the absolute best scientific project within the Charles University Grant Agency support. This prestigious award was given on the occasion of the Day of the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy and the International Students' Day. The publications on the basis of which the prize was awarded originated in the Laboratory of Cellular Neurophysiology at the Institute of Physiology.

Ptáková; Alexandra - Mitro; Michal - Zímová; Lucie - Vlachová; Viktorie . Cellular context determines primary characteristics of human TRPC5 as a cold-activated channel . Journal of Cellular Physiology. 2022; 237(9); 3614-3626. DOI IF = 5.6 

Zimová; Lucie - Ptáková; Alexandra - Mitro; Michal - Krůšek; Jan - Vlachová; Viktorie . Activity dependent inhibition of TRPC1/4/5 channels by duloxetine involves voltage sensor-like domain . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2022; 152(August)); 113262. DOI IF = 7.5

Helena Illnerová in the documentary series Babylon (1.11. 2023)

Physiologist, biologist who was the first in the world to discover dependency function of the biological clock in the brain of mammals on the length of the day during the seasons, but also a scout. This is the former President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Helena Illnerová, whose life is closely linked to the Institute of Physiology, where she began her scientific career in 1961. One of the episodes of the documentary series Babylon, which premiered on Czech Television on 28 October 2023, is dedicated to her.

Kateryna Semenovykh received the Martina Roeselová Foundation Grant (20.12. 2022)

The Martina Roeselová Memorial Grant is designed for graduate students and early career scientists in the natural sciences who are trying to combine competitive scientific activity with quality early childhood care. The IOCB Tech Foundation will support 10 young scientists with an annual scholarship of CZK 150,000. Kateryna Semenovykh from the Institute of Physiology of the CAS received the scholarship for the year 2023 at a ceremony on Friday 16 December 2022. Congratulations!

Four important IPHYS researchers celebrated their life anniversaries (13.12. 2022)

On Monday, 12 December, the pre-Christmas seminar "The Scientific Footprint of the Work of Four Personalities of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS" was dedicated to Jaroslava Folbergrová, Helena Illnerová, Zdeněk Drahota and Pavel Mareš. The evening was a tribute to these four personalities whose lives are inseparably connected with Institute of Physiology. We congratulate them once again on their significant life anniversaries.

from the left: Z. Drahota, H. Illnerová, J. Folbergrová, P. Mareš

Results of bibliometric analysis of M17+ (8.12. 2022)

The Institute of Physiology of the CAS, v.v.i. (hereinafter referred to as IPHYS) was ranked among the top-ranked research organizations in the bibliometric evaluation of publications for the period 2016-2020 in the M17+ system. In particular, the high number of high quality publications in the first quartile of journals (Q1) according to the article influence score (AIS) parameter with a corresponding author from IPHYS (55%) was positively evaluated by the relevant Basic Medicine Expert Panel. As stated in the Panel report, information on the corresponding author is essential to determine the leader of the collaborating teams, who is the originator of the project and who manages the whole project. The excellent results of this evaluation thus confirm the important position of IPHYS in the field of biomedical research in the Czech Republic and the important role of IPHYS scientists in characterizing the complex mechanisms of origin and potential therapies for a number of major diseases of civilization.

Starting this year, research in this area will be strengthened by the participation of most IPHYS research teams in one of two strategic projects supported by the European Union through Next Generation EU EXCELES, the National Institute for Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease Research (CarDia) and the National Institute for Neurological Research (NINR). IPHYS's partnership in these two projects will allow to deepen collaboration between basic and clinical research and improve the quality of biomedical research across the Czech Republic.

Veronika Palůchová received the Josef Hlávka Prize (30.11. 2022)

On Wednesday, 16 November 2022, Veronika Palůchová received the Josef Hlávka Prize in Lužany Castle. This prestigious award is intended for the best students or graduates of Prague universities, Brno technology and young scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The Josef Hlávka Prize is presented annually at his castle in Lužany near Přeštice, on the eve of the national holiday of 17 November, in honour of the memory of the famous Czech architect, builder and patron. 

Veronika Palůchová (second from the right)

Great first place for student Martin Kubeš, who completed his internship within the Open Science project at IPHYS (29.11. 2022)

At the final conference of the Open Science project on 24 November 2022, the winner was Martin Kubeš, a student of the Čáslav Gymnasium, who completed his internship at the Institute of Physiology.  Martin Kubeš took 1st place in the Life Sciences category with his presentation entitled "Cations - key elements for the life of eukaryotic cells". He completed his internship in the Laboratory of Membrane Transport under the supervision of Olga Zimmermanná. Congratulations to Martin!

Vojtěch Vyklický was successful in the JUNIOR STAR project announced by GA CR (7.11. 2022)

Vojtěch Vyklický succeeded in the grant competition announced by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GA CR) with his project "Conformational dynamics of NMDA receptors: from structure to function and pharmacology". The GA CR will fund 10 new EXPRO projects and 23 JUNIOR STAR projects from next year. Both prestigious competitions aim to promote scientific excellence through superior conditions - EXPRO is for experienced scientists who have a breakthrough idea, while JUNIOR STAR will allow outstanding early career scientists to pursue their own research topics. The five-year projects will receive a total of almost one billion crowns. The EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR competitions always support only the best projects that have been endorsed by international evaluation panels. Their researchers have better support conditions during the five-year solution period. 

Lucie Bačáková received the prestigious Academic Award - Praemium Academiae 2022 (7.11. 2022)

Lucie Bačáková was awarded the prestigious Academic Prize - Praemium Academiae 2022. The purpose of the Academic Prize, as a strictly selective instrument of financial and moral support for scientific excellence in the Czech Academy of Sciences, is to support outstanding scientists who are conducting research at the top international level and to create conditions for them to better develop their potential for the benefit of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech science as a whole. Congratulations to doc. Bačáková and her team!

2nd Bilateral meeting with the Nencki Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (17.10. 2022)

Seven scientists from the Institute of Physiology CAS, including the director of the Institute, dr. Kopecký, participated in the 2nd Bilateral meeting with the Nencki Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw on 10-12 October 2022. The staff of the Institute of Physiology presented the results of their research, especially in the field of metabolism and neurosciences. The aim of the conference was to mutually present selected scientific topics addressed at the individual institutes, whether they were topics addressed within the framework of ongoing joint grants or possibilities of future cooperation, including services (e.g. metabolomic analyses).



above, from the left: Jerzy Duszyński, Agnieszka Dobrzyń, Jan Kopecký; lecture of Tomáš Čajka

bottom photo on the right: Adam Szewczyk 

Visit of the International Advisory Board in the Institute of Physiology (17.10. 2022)

The meeting of the International Advisory Board of Institute of Physiology of the CAS with the management of the Institute took place on 13 and 14 October 2022.  During the meeting, the members of the Board got acquainted with the organizational structure of the Institute, scientific and pedagogical activities, as well as the overall budget and the economic model of financing individual laboratories. During the discussions and visits to selected scientific and service departments, the questions of research strategy and further development of the Institute, start-up programme for the establishment of new departments or the possibility of participation in European research projects were raised.  The Advisory Board will help further with improving international cooperation and increasing the prestige of the Institute, with evaluation criteria for the quality of individual laboratories and with improving of the leadership of the institute.

from the left: Jan Kopecký, Bryndis Birnir, Adam Szewczyk, Pontus Persson, Marianne Schultzberg, Jiří Paleček

Enrico Patrono won the national round of the international competition Falling Walls Lab (6.10. 2022)

Enrico Patrono won the national round of the international Falling Walls Lab competition in Wroclaw, Poland. The aim of the project is to connect the next generation of scientists and innovators and come up with a breakthrough idea - a scientific project, a business plan or a social initiative that breaks down all walls and barriers. Enrico has advanced to the global final in Berlin, which are regularly held on the day of the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, 7 November 2022.

His project is about an innovative trans-disciplinary approach to Neuroscience. "With the collaboration of a physicist from the University of Hamburg, we are implementing a new in-vitro device called Brain-on-a-Chip (BoC), reproducing specific brain areas in a plastic chip. This new tool will allow us to model any potential features of psychopathology and to study in-depth and, on time, the specific neurotransmission. Furthermore, coupling with optogenetics methods, we can tackle the “spatial-temporal resolution” problem in Neuroscience, which is critical in detecting the main brain actors playing in the drama of psychiatric disorders", explains Dr. Patrono.   

Michal Pravenec received G. J. Mendel Honorary Field Medal (16.9. 2022)

On Wednesday 14 September 2022, Ing. Michal Pravenec, DrSc. received the Gregor Johann Mendel Honorary Field Medal for Merit in the Biological Sciences. Michal Pravenec investigates which genetic variants cause common diseases such as diabetes. He has gained international recognition especially in the field of genetics of complex traits in animal models. The recognition worldwide is also evident from the list of prestigious foreign grant projects he has received. In 2015, he received the highest award of the Academy of Sciences - the Academic Award. This was tied to a project in which Michal Pravenec and his team investigate how excess salt does or does not cause hypertension. He has also played a key role in the development of unique biological models and analytical approaches to unravel the genetic determinants of multifactorial metabolic and cardiovascular phenotypes at the molecular level in animals, and in using these results to understand the pathogenesis of similar traits in humans.

Dalibor Košek received Otto Wichterle Prize (27.6. 2022)

Twenty-five outstanding young scientific talents have received a prestigious award of the Czech Academy of Sciences: Otto Wichterle Prize 2022. The future generation of scientists under the age of 35 received the award from the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Eva Zažímalová during a ceremony on 20 June 2022. One of the awardees is Dalibor Košek from the Institute of Physiology of the CAS. Dr. Kosek studies DNA transposons, which are mobile genetic elements present in the genome of almost all organisms. Among other things, they are involved in the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Dr. Košek has contributed significantly to the elucidation of a number of questions and is an expert in addressing the molecular mechanisms involved in DNA recombination. He has also described a mobilisation system that may have future applications in genetic medicine. 

Přemysl Jiruška received the Award of the Minister of Health (13.6. 2022)

On 7 June, Minister of Health Vlastimil Válek awarded the significant projects in health science and research the Award of the Minister of Health for Health Research and Development for 2021. Přemysl Jiruška was one of the five honoured and received the prize for his studies of anatomical and functional changes in the brain after a stroke or epilepsy, which he carried out as part of his scientific work at the Institute of Physiology. The new findings regarding CMS will allow to identify patients who will benefit most from early rehabilitation. In the case of epilepsy, the results will then be used to determine the risk of seizures and to introduce new treatments. Funding for the projects is distributed by the Czech Medical Research Agency (AZV), with more than six billion crowns for the years 2020 to 2026.

PHD PROGRAMME 2022 (15.3. 2022)

Deadline was extended to March 31 to facilitate applications of Ukrainian students. More information

Awarding of J. E. Purkyne medals and celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Physiological Research Journal (3.3. 2022)

On Tuesday, March 1, Josef Zicha and Jan Kopecký received from the hands of P. Mareš and B. Ošt'ádal the Jan Evangelista Purkyně Honorary Medals for Merit in Biomedical Sciences. This award has been awarded by the Czech Acadeny of Sciences since 1965 in recognition of outstanding results of scientific work in biology, especially in the fields of biomedicine. During the award ceremony, J. Zicha summarized past years of Physiological Research, a bimonthly journal published by the Institute of Physiology in English, which celebrates 70th anniversary this year.

František Vyskočil received the Silver Medal of Charles University (3.2. 2022)

On Thursday, 27 January, the Scientific Council of Charles University awarded a commemorative medal to eight prominent personalities whose professional lives are connected with the University. Prof. RNDr. František Vyskočil, DrSc. received a silver commemorative medal for his significant lifetime work in the field of physiology and his long-standing scientific and pedagogical activities at Charles University. 

František Vyskočil has been researching neurophysiology and biophysics of cell membranes since his student years. His discoveries have significantly deepened the knowledge of the transmission of nerve impulses and the overall functioning of the nervous system of animals, including the human brain. His first research work, which he undertook as a student at the Faculty of Science of Charles University, on neuromuscular coupling was published in one of the most prestigious scientific journals, Nature. František Vyskočil also gained international attention for his discovery and description of the mechanism of so-called non-quantum excretion of neurotransmitters at mammalian synapses. In total, he is the author of 310 scientific papers. Professor Vyskočil connected his professional life with the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and still lectures at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University. He is also a popular teacher and popularizer of science, for which he has received numerous awards. 

Jan Kopecký received J. E. Purkinje Honorary Field Medal (25.1. 2022)

The Director of the Institute, MUDr. Jan Kopecký, DrSc. was awarded the Jan Evangelista Purkinje Honorary Field Medal for Merit in Biomedical Sciences. This award has been granted by the Czech Academy of Sciences since 1965 in recognition of outstanding results of scientific work in biology, especially in the fields of biomedical sciences.

Jan Kopecký has contributed to a significant advance in research on the problems of metabolism and obesity on a global level and has thus contributed to the improvement of treatment procedures for patients. He has co-authored more than 188 scientific articles mainly in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology and metabolism. His current research topics include the influence of white adipose tissue metabolism on whole-body lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, ontogenetic development of energy metabolism, and translational research on cachexia and adipose tissue. His work defined the concept of a "healthy adipocyte", i.e. a fat cell with a high capacity for oxidative phosphorylation and the ability to respond flexibly to metabolic changes. Congratulations on the award!

Alena Sumová was appointed a Professor (16.12. 2021)

Alena Sumová was appointed a Professor in Animal physiology. Czech president signed a letter of appointment on December 15, 2021. The appointment procedure took a place at South Bohemian University in České Budějovice.

Petr Ježek received the Prize of Minister of Education (13.12. 2021)

Petr Ježek received the Prize of Minister of Education, Youth and Sports for exceptional results in the field of research, development and innovation. He received the prize for the using approaches and methodologies, including highly sophisticated high-resolution microscopy methods, which are an example of excellent basic research. Dr. Ježek's excellent work in the International Society for Lipidomics is also an example of excellent interdisciplinary and international cooperation. Four other leading scientists were awarded - prof. Michal Holčapek, prof. Michal Koucký, prof. Marie Hušková and prof. Eva Topinková. More information

IPHYS internships come top among secondary-school students (2.12. 2021)

Open Science internships are offered at IPHYS by 4 lecturers (B. Holendová, H. Janíčková, J. Musílková, O. Zimmermannová). The interships offered in year 2022 had an enormous interest. A quarter of all students want to do the internship at IPHYS. Internship on the topic of pancreatic research under the guidance of Dr. Holendová was the most successful in the entire Open Science project, with 85 students applying. The second most requested internship of the whole project was the internship of Dr. Musílková focused on research monitoring the growth and differentiation of stem cells. 71 high school students signed up for it. Internship of Dr. Zimmermannová was interested in 49 students and the internship of Dr. Janíčková 41 students. All IPHYS internships are therefore in the TOP 8 most requested internships. A total of 165 students applied for IPHYS internships and sent 246 applications. In total 656 high school students with 1589 applications were interested in. 

Six scientists of the Institute of Physiology belong among 2% of the most cited authors in the world (22.11. 2021)

Representatives of Elsevier publishing company, SciTech Strategies organization and Stanford University announced a new list of 2 % the most-cited scientists of all disciplines that are involved in the database Scopus in 2020. Six scientists of the Institute of Physiology belong among  them: Tomáš Čajka, Petr Ježek, Milada Dobiášová, Lucie Bačáková, Ondřej Kuda and Josef Houštěk. The list includes 712 authors from Czech research institutions with 107 of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Big congratulations to all our colleagues!

Almost a fifth of the lecturers at the Open Science Conference 2021 did their internship at IPHYS (22.11. 2021)

High school students presented the results of their research from internships at the Open Science Conference 2021, which took place on 18 and 19 November 2021 in the conference rooms of the IMG CAS. The students presented the topics they covered during their annual internships and the results they achieved in their research. There were presented 40 presentations from 69 talented young scientists. 11 students who presented 7 presentations completed their internship at the Institute of Physiology CAS.

3rd place in the 2nd field of science - Living Nature and Chemistry was won by student Alena Machalíková, lecturer Blanka Holendová from the Laboratory of Mitochondrial Physiology. Expert jury composed of: RNDr. Hana Sychrová, DrSc., Mgr. Tomáš Kraus, Ph.D. and RNDr. Petr Novák, Ph.D. agreed at a very high level not only the quantity and quality of the presented results, but also the presentation itself. Congratulations to the winner and all participants and we also thank the lecturers of internships at PHYS: K. Brejchová, B. Holendová, H. Janíčková, J. Musílková, V. Palůchová, M. Tencerová and O. Zimmermannová.

Complete results  Open Science at IPHYS

Discover the world of physiology online! (27.10. 2021)

As part of the Science and Technology Week you can take a look at the world of physiology online. We have prepared an interactive game, tests, crossword puzzles and other tasks that will help you find out more about your body and other interesting things from the world of physiology. How well do you know the human body? How does your memory work? Where does the brain control your muscles? Do you know how your biological clock ticks? You can try everything here. 

Martina Trávníčková received the Scientific Award of the French Embassy (5.10. 2021)

On Thursday, September 30, 2021, Martina Trávníčková received the award from the French Embassy in the Czech Republic. She placed 2nd in the Pharmacy category with her work "Studies of Adhesion, Growth and Differentiation of Stem Cells for Bone and Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering". The awards in this category are jointly granted by the French Embassy in the Czech Republic and the Fondation Recherche en Chimie / Université de Strasbourg. The event was chaired by Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Pavel Doleček, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Research and French Ambassador Alexis Dutertre. A total of 71 applicants under the age of 33 took part in the competition, nominated by the university or the Academy of Sciences on the basis of the quality of their research work within the doctoral study. The results were decided by 7 commissions composed of 49 Czech and French professors and scientists. More

Helena Illnerová received the Silver Medal of the President of the Senate (30.9. 2021)

On Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Helena Illnerová received Silver medal of the President of the Senate. Since 2007, the silver medals of the President of the Senate have been awarded to important personalities from the ranks of scientists, artists, athletes and other public officials who excel in their fields or with their special deeds or abilities. Medallion of Helena Illnerova


Foto: Stanislava Kyselová

František Vyskočil received the Medal of the Faculty of Science of Charles University (17.8. 2021)

On Monday, June 21, 2021 awarded the Dean of the Faculty of Science prof. Jiří Zima ten personalities with the memorial medal of the Faculty of Science of Charles University. Prof. František Vyskočil was one of ten awarded personalities. More information

Prof. Tomáš Radil has died (9.8. 2021)

With deep sorrow we announce that on April 8, died at age of 90, Prof. MUDr.Tomáš Radil, DrSc, the exceptional person and emeritus researcher of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS. Honor his memory. Memory of the Prof. Radil



The one-week summer course on Advances in Selected Areas of Biomedicine for Students of Medical Faculties will be held in September 6-10, 2021.

The course will focus on acquiring new knowledge and practical experience with biomedical research. The aim is to increase the qualification of graduates of medical faculties of the Charles University in Prague in the field of biomedical research and to increase their interest in postgraduate education.The course is primarily, but not exclusively, intended for 1st and 2nd year students, it will be in English and its capacity is limited to 20 participants. Deadline for application is July 302021. Applicants will be selected on a first come, first-serve basis. The course is free of charge. Summer course reached maximum capacity and is CLOSED. More information about the course

Michaela Tencerová succeeded in the competition L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science (28.6. 2021)

The project L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science was founded in Paris in 1998. It is aimed at women scientists under the age of 40. The project began in 2006 in the Czech Republic.  66 women scientists signed up for the domestic version of the international program this year. A jury composed of representatives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, UNESCO and L'Oréal, selected 13 semi-finalists. In the end, neurologist Petra Laššuthová, plant geneticist Terezie Mandáková and physiologist Michaela Tencerová became the laureates. Congratulations!

Jakub Otáhal was appointed a Professor (10.5. 2021)

Assoc. Prof. MUDr.  Jakub Otáhal, PhD was appointed a Professor in Medical Physiology and Pathophysiology. Czech president signed a letter of appointment on May 8, 2021. The appointment procedure took a place at Charles University, Prague.

7 scientists from the Institute of Physiology are among the 2% most cited scientists in the world (10.5. 2021)

Elsevier, SciTech Strategies and John P. A. Ioannidis from University of Standford prepared a list of  2 % of the most cited scientists from all fieldswhich includes the Scopus database for 2019. A total of 359 of them work at Czech research institutions (107 of them are from the Czech Academy of Sciences). The list includes 7 current and former scientists from the Institute of Physiology CAS: Petr Ježek, Stanislav Tuček, Pavel Mareš, Tomáš Čajka, Ivan Mikšík, Lucie Bačáková and Jiří Vaněček. More

Petr Lánský has died (28.4. 2021)

With deep sorrow we announce that on April 24, 2021 died at the age of 72 doc. RNDr. Petr Lánský, DrSc., Senior researcher at the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and founder of the field of computational neuroscience in the Czech Republic.

Memory Park´s psychological tests attracted over 1200 people (24.3. 2021)

Psychological tests which were a part of online Brain Awareness Week 2021, had a success. During the weekly event, 1261 people tried to take one of the tests, 1023 people completed at least one test and 864 people completed at least one questionnaire (complete statistics). The tests are used to detect memory impairment and space orientation of patients with Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy or schizophrenia. Tests are still available at this link.

Institute of Physiology registered the greatest interest of the applications for the internships. One-fifth of the all applications were sent there! 184 students, who sent in total 354 applications, were interested in internships at the Institute. Within the Open Science at the IPHYS, fiinally 8 internships for 16 selected students will be realized. Students were most interested in the topic "Epilepsy as a metabolic disease" supervised by Jakub Otáhal and also the topic supervised by Michaela Tencerová "How hard are the bones and what is hidden under them?". 31 institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences participated in the whole project, 85 lecturers will lead 103 internships for 196 students. More about the Open Science project.

Tomáš Čajka is a co-author of the unique software for analyses of complex lipids in biological samples (15.1. 2021)

Processing of instrumental files acquired during untargeted metabolomics and lipidomics analyses represents a challenging task. It is estimated that only 20 percent of signals (features) collected during untargeted liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) methods can be annotated. MS-DIAL represents user-friendly, open-access software for processing untargeted metabolomics and lipidomics instrumental files. The latest version contains an atlas (database) for 117 lipid subclasses with predicted retention times, tandem mass spectrometry spectra (MS/MS), and collision cross sections (CCS) for annotation of complex lipids in biological samples. Using MS-DIAL 4, a higher number of annotated complex lipids in biological samples is achieved compared to other software programs in this field permitting more meaningful data interpretation.

H. Tsugawa, K. Ikeda, M. Takahashi, A. Satoh, Y. Mori, H. Uchino, N. Okahashi, Y. Yamada, I. Tada, P. Bonini, Y. Higashi, Y. Okazaki, Z. Zhou, Z.-J. Zhu, J. Koelmel, T. Cajka, O. Fiehn, K. Saito, M. Arita, M. Arita: A lipidome atlas in MS-DIAL 4. Nature Biotechnology 38 (2020) 1159–1163. IF = 36.558 DOI

The Best IPHYS Publication Awards (16.12. 2020)

On 15 December 2020, the winners of the Best Publication Awards for 2019  were announced.

The Award for the Best Publication by IPHYS Authors for 2019 went to Dr. Jan Neckář for the publication

Neckář J, Md Hye Khan A, Gross GJ, Cyprová M, Hrdlička J, Kvasilová A, Falck JR,  Campbell WB, Sedláková L, Škutová Š, Olejníčková V, Gregorovičová M, Sedmera D, Kolář F, Imig JD: Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid analog EET-B attenuates post-myocardial infarction remodeling in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clinical Science. 2019, roč. 133, s. 936-951. IF: 5,223 DOI

The Pavel Flachs Award for the Best Publication by IPHYS Authors with a Corresponding Author under the Age of 35 for 2019 went to Dr. Markéta Zikmundová (née Bačáková) and Júlia Pajorová for the publication

Bačáková M, Pajorová J, Brož A, Hadraba D, Lopot F, Zavaďáková A, Vištejnová L, Beňo M, Kostič I, Jenčová V, Bačáková L: A two-layer skin construct consisting of a collagen hydrogel reinforced by a fibrin-coated polylactide nanofibrous membrane. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2019, roč. 14, s. 5033-5050. IF: 5,115 DOI

The Award for the Best Review by Young Researchers published in Physiological Research in 2020 was presented to three different authors: Kristýna Čuňátová, Eliška Koňaříková, and Sofia Moraresku.  

Congratulations to all the winners!

Pavel Mareš received the Medal of the Czech Medical Association (26.10. 2020)

On 13 October 2020, Dr. Pavel Mareš received the Gold Commemorative Medal of the Czech Medical Society of Jan Evangelista Purkyně for exceptional achievements in his scientific career and active participation in professional associations. Congratulations!


Eva Zažímalová visited the Institute of Physiology (22.9. 2020)

On 16 September 2020, the Institute of Physiology welcomed Dr. Eva Zažímalová, the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, during her tour of institutional on-site visits. Together with her team, she visited several research laboratories and service departments. She also inspected the ongoing reconstruction of the animal facility. More


Michaela Tencerová obtained the prestigious grant (31.8. 2020)

Dr. Michaela Tencerová, the Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Physiology of Bone, received a five-year grant from the EFSD / Novo Nordisk Foundation Future Leaders Award Programme. The project is focused on the research of bone marrow adipose tissue and its metabolic activity in obesity and diabetes. Increased accumulation of bone marrow adipose tissue is associated with a high risk of bone fractures and the development of osteoporosis in obese and diabetic patients. This project may lead to an alternative approach in the prevention and treatment of bone fragility in patients with metabolic complications. Congratulations!

MediAim – New Therapeutic and Drug Development Strategies (23.6. 2020)

To understand the essence of diseases of affluence and improve their treatment. Such is the goal of the MediAim consortium, which brings together three centers of excellence in science, research, and clinical practice. The Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM) and two institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences – the Institute of the Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB) and the Institute of Physiology (IPHYS) – have joined forces to seek out new strategies for treating cardiovascular, viral, neurodegenerative, and oncologic diseases as well as diabetes and obesity.  More information:

Press release 


90´ ČT24 (24.6.2020) topic: Treatment of a civilization diseases

Zdeněk Drahota and Alena Sumová Awarded Honorary Medals of the Czech Academy of Sciences (3.2. 2020)

On 29 January 2020, two prominent scientists from the Institute of Physiology, Zdeněk Drahota and Alena Sumová, received honorary medals awarded by the Czech Academy of Sciences from the hands of the President of the CAS, Eva Zažímalová.

Zdeněk Drahota received the Jan Evangelista Purkyně Honorary Medal for Merit in the Biomedical Sciences. Zdeněk Drahota significantly contributed to the development of the study of animal metabolism with a focus on the processes of energy conversion in the cell. Highly respected in the international biochemical community, his research into the basic mechanisms of mitochondrial energy function laid the foundation for the development of the study of mammalian bioenergetics. Knowledge of the structure, function, and biogenesis of mitochondria has become one of the main and highly successful research directions of the Institute. It has led to the establishment of several new laboratories, which carry out first-rate research into mitochondrial issues, from molecular structure to translational aspects of metabolic disorders.

Alena Sumová received the Vojtěch Náprstek Honorary Medal for Merit in Science Popularisation. Her research focuses on the study of biological clocks and time systems in mammals, including humans, which affect both physical and mental abilities and the overall setting of the organism. The primary goal of Alena Sumová and her group is to understand the impact of disruption of time regulation on human health during early development, in adulthood, and at old age. Alena Sumová often discusses this topic in the media; she gives interviews and commentaries on television and radio. She also works as a teacher, conducting seminars at universities and developing programmes for secondary schools. More



Martin Zápotocký Elected the Vice-president of the Organization for Computational Neurosciences (16.1. 2020)

Martin Zápotocký became the Vice-President of the Organization for Computational Neurosciences. on January 1, 2020. The organization has more than 2000 members from around the world and organizes annual conferences with 500-600 participants. The 2015 conference was held in Prague under the co-hosting of the Institute of Physiology.

Ladislav Vyklický Awarded the Prize of the Minister of Health (8.1. 2020)

Ladislav Vyklický received the 2019 Prize of the Minister of Health for Medical Research and Development on December 17, 2019. The Minister awards the prize for extraordinary results achieved within specific grants or institutional support in research and development provided by the Ministry of Health. Ladislav Vyklický was recognized for his project “Genetic and functional study of NMDA receptors focused on possible diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia”. The co-researchers are Aleš Balík (Institute of Physiology);  Jiří Horáček (National Institute of Mental Health); and Eva Kudová (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry). Full report 


Vojtěch Kumpošt Awarded the Prize of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (5.12. 2019)

Vojtěch Kumpošt, who worked at the Laboratory of Developmental Epileptology of the Institute of Physiology since his bachelor studies, was awarded the 2019 Prize of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in Higher Education, Science, and Research in the category of Master Studies. He received the prize from the hands of Minister Robert Plaga for achieving results that contributed to discoveries in research into the mechanisms of epileptic seizures and were published in the prestigious journal Nature Neuroscience. Vojtěch Kumpošt was a student of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University; now he works at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany.


Excellent Student Results in the Project "Open Science 2019" (22.11. 2019)

Two students who completed their study stays at the Institute of Physiology were recognized at the closing conference of the Open Science project on November 21, 2019.

Natálie Pořízková from Grammar School Postupická in Prague won first place in the category of Living Nature / Medical Sciences and Biochemistry. At the conference, she presented the results of her project "Study of the structure and function of Na+/H+ antiport systems in eukaryotic cells", which she completed at the Laboratory of Membrane Transport during her one-year study stay under the leadership of Olga Zimmermannová.

Veronika Musílková took third place in the same category for her project "Monitoring of growth, behaviour, and differentiation of smooth muscle cells in static and dynamic systems", which she completed at the Laboratory of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering under the leadership of Jana Musílková.

Congratulations to both students!















PhD student conference 2019 (20.11. 2019)

On Oct 29. - 31. 2019 the biannual PhD student conference of the IPHYS took place at the Congress hotel Jezerka in Seč. During the conference 19 students gave talks and 45 presented their work as posters. In addition, a lecture and a workshop on presentation skill development was given by Jason Hwang and two talks on career development were given by Michaela Tencerová, Ph.D. and Helena Janíčková, Ph.D. The three best talks and posters were selected and awarded. These were:

The Best Talk Award: 1st place: Vendula Čečmanová, 2nd place: Viktor Sinica, 3rd place: Kristína Cechová.

The Best Poster Award: 1st place: Sarka Danačíková, 2nd place: Rimjhim Tomar and 3rd place: Daniela Alexová and Lucie Leňková.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Euro-BioImaging joins European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) (1.11. 2019)

On October 29, 2019 European Commission approved ERIC status to Euro-BioImaging (EuBI) forming European extensive research network for bioimaging, with nodes in 14 countries including the Czech Republic. Euro-BioImaging thus joins European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), which will facilitate open access, services and training to a broad range of state-of-the-art biological and medical imaging technologies among Europe and beyond. IPHYS BioImaging Facility, providing open access to 8 imaging systems (confocal and multiphoton microscopy, in vivo imaging), participates in one of 21 bioimaging nodes of EuroBioImaging ERIC.

Institute of Physiology Welcomes Taiwanese Organization ITRI (4.10. 2019)

On Wednesday, October 2, 2019, a delegation of the Taiwanese scientific research organization Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) visited the Institute of Physiology of the CAS. The ITRI representatives, Professor Eric Y. Chuang and Doctor Horus Huang, delivered lectures to present their activities, overall ITRI activities, and possible areas of cooperation. They also visited the Laboratory of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, the cooperating Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, and laboratories of the Institute of Physiology in BIOCEV. The meeting outlined possible directions for future cooperation between the two institutions in the areas of bioinformatics, targeted delivery of drugs to various tissues and organs, testing potential new drugs on animal models, and regenerative medicine, namely skin tissue engineering using advanced 3D printing technology. As the delegation expressed interest in genomic studies, the guests were invited to see other laboratories focused on genomics: the Laboratory of Genomics and Bioinformatics at the Institute of Molecular Genetics in Krč and Functional Genomics laboratories and the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics in BIOCEV.


František Kolář awarded the Jan Evangelista Purkinje Honorary Field Medal (3.7. 2019)

František Kolář has been awarded the Jan Evangelista Purkinje Honorary Field Medal for merit in the biomedical sciences. He has received the award from the hands of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Eva Zažímalová on Monday, June 1. More


Jan Kudláček awarded the Sanofi Prize (28.6. 2019)

Jan Kudláček has been awarded the Sanofi Prize for Pharmacy for university students. He has received the award from the hands of the French Nobel Prize winner for chemistry, Jean-Marie Lehn. The competition for students of pharmaceutical sciences has been organized by the Embassy of the French Republic in Prague in cooperation with Sanofi for the eleventh time. Jan Kudláček placed third with his research on epilepsy treatment.

"Epilepsy requires long-term treatment and patients often need medication for life. Unfortunately, drugs are ineffective for approximately 30 % of patients. To find more effective treatments, it is necessary to understand the long-term dynamics of epilepsy and to clarify the mechanisms that drive long-term fluctuations in brain susceptibility to seizures. Mechanisms that control long-term seizure dynamics have not been considered in drug development; they represent a new therapeutic target not only for seizure-suppressing drugs but also for the treatment of epilepsy itself," Kudláček explained. He added that it is his research that could lead to advancement in this issue.

Jaroslav Kuneš awarded the Mendel Medal (28.6. 2019)

On Thursday, June 27, Jaroslav Kuneš received the Gregor Johann Mendel Honorary Medal for Merit in Biological Sciences from the hands of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Eva Zažímalová. The Academic Council granted this prestigious award to four scientists who through their work contributed to advancement and popularization of their fields. "The Academic Council unanimously agreed to award the medal to the laureates, and we are honoured to do so," Eva Zažímalová said at the award ceremony at the seat of the Czech Academy of Sciences. More


Winners of the 41st annual contest of Students’ Professional Activities announced (19.6. 2019)

On Sunday, June 16, the 41st annual national contest of Students’ Professional Activities (SPA) ended with an award ceremony for the best students in each category. Advancing to the national round is a great success for the entrants. One of the prizes in the Healthcare category is the Prize of the Director of the Institute of Physiology CAS. Hana Bernhardová (Gymnázium [KB1] F. Palackého, Valašské Meziříčí) won the first place in this category for her paper Effects of the canonical Wnt signalling pathway on differentiation potential of NG2 glia after ischemic brain injuries . Karolina Kubová (Gymnázium T. Novákové, Brno) came second for her paper Kinase Chk1 as a potential therapeutic target in malignant melanoma cells. Kateřina Ptáčková (Gymnázium and Vocational School of Pedagogy, Liberec) placed third with her paper Lactose Intolerance.

Marek Heide, who ranked fourth in the same category, achieved another great success; he won a special prize: a nomination to the competition Česká hlavička—a programme supporting talented students in technology and science —in the category Futura "Solutions for the Future", a prize awarded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Marek completed an internship at the Institute of Physiology at the Department of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering under the guidance of Jana Musílková. Congratulations to all the winners!


This year marks the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. On June 12, 2019, both current and former employees of the Institute and a number of guests celebrated this special event. All the living directors of the Institute took turns in the lecture hall (in the order of their terms in office: Zdeněk Drahota, Bohuslav Ošťádal, Pavel Mareš, Jaroslav Kuneš, Lucie Kubínová, and the current director, Jan Kopecký) and shared their memories of important moments in the Institute's history. Helena Illnerová, the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences in 2001-2005, also reminisced about the beginnings of her scientific career and the atmosphere of that time. The celebrations culminated with an informal garden party, which was also attended by the President of the Academy, Eva Zažímalová, and the Vice President, Zdeněk Havlas.


Physicians and scientists from the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM) and the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IPHYS) are working together to improve prevention and treatment of the most serious diseases of today.

On May 22, 2019, the IPHYS hosted a meeting of leading Czech physicians and scientists focused on advances in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of serious lifestyle diseases.

The IKEM and the IPHYS have been working together to make progress in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, their most common risk factors such as obesity and diabetes, and their chronic complications. During the second seminar of joint preclinical and clinical research at the IKEM and the IPHYS, both institutions presented primarily the results of successful collaboration of their research teams during 13 lectures and 23 poster presentations.

Although the focus of biomedical research is shifting to cancer research, most people still die of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). In recent decades, there has been an improvement in monitoring of some CVD risk factors such as arterial hypertension or dyslipidemia, but new threats to the Czech population, especially obesity and obesity-related type 2 diabetes, are gaining importance. These diseases clearly represent major risk factors for the future wave of CVDs, such as premature atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure. In the rise of obesity and diabetes, the Czech Republic ranks among top countries in the EU, and CVD mortality in the Czech Republic is almost twice as high as in most developed EU countries. In fact, it is the most common cause of death among the Czech population (half of all deaths).

The second key area is the treatment of complex multifactorial metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus. Despite billions of dollars invested in research on new therapies and 100 years after the discovery of insulin, there is still no effective long-term treatment that would cure this complex disease. In particular, the number of patients with type 2 diabetes has skyrocketed leading to a modern epidemic, which imposes a heavy burden not only on healthcare but also on the social systems of all developed countries in the world. This increase is especially related to inappropriate lifestyles and also to the ageing of the population. In the Czech Republic, nearly one million people are currently being treated for diabetes. Moreover, estimates indicate that 300,000 additional patients have not been diagnosed.

What contributes to this alarming situation is the lack of support of biomedical research in this area, particularly the lack of research integration that would make use of existing infrastructure and human resources. There is no centre that could integrate and strengthen existing preclinical and clinical research in the field of CVD-related diabetes and obesity and that could provide a translational phase of research with the transition of new pharmaceuticals and therapeutic approaches to clinical practice directly in the Czech Republic. 







The Nature Index, compiled by Nature, tracks the number of high-quality scientific articles in selected scientific journals. In the recently published ranking of outputs in biomedical sciences, the Czech Academy of Sciences took the 13th place in the world in the category of government research facilities. This is also the best result for an institution from Central and Eastern Europe.

The current ranking covers the period from 2015 to 2018. The excellent position of the CAS also represents a year-on-year improvement of 20.7 %. Only four other European countries surpassed the CAS: the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, and Italy. The Czech Academy of Sciences was also very successful in the overall Nature Index, published in September 2018. The CAS achieved a year-on-year improvement of 18.2 % and ranked 19th in the world. For more information, click here.

The end of alternation between standard time and summer time (2.4. 2019)

Alena Sumová and Helena Illnerová have participated in a media debate on the cancellation of mandatory alternation between standard time and summer time in 2021. The Member States of the European Union should coordinate their steps in order to avoid potential disruptions to the functioning of the single market. After all, the end of adjustment of clocks every six months must be endorsed by the Member States; they are to inform the European Commission of the time they have chosen by April 2020. The Czech government expressed support for winter time during an informal discussion last autumn also based on the position of the Institute of Physiology of the ASCR.

The currently available scientific evidence suggests that the introduction of permanent standard time, i.e. winter time, is the best choice for public health.  Adopting standard time all year round provides people with greater exposure to morning light in winter and less exposure to evening light in summer. This will optimize the synchronization of their biological clocks, and their sleep will be set to earlier times in relation to working hours and school time. In general, people will be mentally healthier, and work and school performance will improve.

In the media

Memory Park captivated visitors of the Week of the Brain (14.3. 2019)

The Memory Park interactive workshop was introduced to visitors of the Week of the Brain event at the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague on March 11, 2019. Anyone interested could try and test their memory and orientation skills using unique tests. Developed by scientists from the Department of Neurophysiology of Memory, these psychological tests are used to detect memory impairment and impairment of spatial orientation, e.g. in patients with Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy or schizophrenia.




100 scientists in secondary schools (8.3. 2019)

A new project of the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences called "100 Scientists in Secondary Schools" aims to improve the approach to science at our secondary schools. This project allows secondary school students and their teachers to touch science and communicate with scientists who have discovered, built, or written something significant. During each Intensive School session, ten scientists elucidate, design and discuss key topics in contemporary science.

Alena Sumová participated in the project with a lecture called "Clocks in our body and how to adjust them properly" during the seminar Biological Inspiration of Computer Science, which took place on March 7-8, 2019 in Prague.

More at

Martina Doubková received the Werner von Siemens Award (1.3. 2019)

Martina Doubková from the Department of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering won the award for the best Master thesis. She explored the possibilities of improving the surface finish of materials used to make bone implants. The announcement of the 21st Werner von Siemens Award took place on Thursday, February 28, 2019.

In practice, these implants, used as splints, are attached directly to the bone surface to correct complicated fractures. Alternatively, they are inserted into the centre of the bone during joint replacements, when artificial joints replace those that have been damaged by injury or disease. Mutual contact between bone cells and the implant is fundamentally influenced by the chemical and physical properties of the material used. Martina Doubková examined how bone cells behave in contact with a mechanically treated titanium alloy that has an oxide layer created by surface treatment using the plasma electrolytic oxidation method. The resulting implant could be used in practice as a splint to fix the fracture, as a nail or as a locking screw.

More information


The Week of the Brain 2019 (20.2. 2019)

The 21st season of the festival on the latest discoveries and trends in research and brain in neurosciences took place on March 11-17, 2019.

The Week of the Brain is a unique series of lectures on the latest discoveries and trends in brain research and neurosciences, which is a part of the Brain Awareness Week (BAW) - a global public awareness campaign on brain research achievements and benefits.

Ondřej Kuda received The Lumina Quaeruntur award (18.1. 2019)

The Czech Academy of Sciences has launched a generous programme of subsidies for successful young and middle-aged scientists with international experience. The Lumina Quaeruntur award financially supports promising researchers who can create their own research team for up to five years. The Academy of Sciences presented the programme and its first six laureates at a ceremony on Thursday, January 17.

The first scholarship holders are six scientists from diverse disciplines. The scholarship is also available to foreign scientists working at the Czech Academy of Sciences. The winners include Ondřej Kuda, a specialist in bioactive lipid metabolism, which is closely related to research of type 2 diabetes.


IPHYS CAS applies for HR Award (8.1. 2019)

The Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences endorses the principles of The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and has begun the HRS4R implementation process. The Institute has conducted a GAP analysis of  the HR environment and prepared an action plan based on the analysis. The GAP analysis, action plan and all supporting documents have been submitted for review by the European Commission on December the 7th 2018, have been formally accepted and are currently in the review process.

Tchajwan delegation is interested in the topic of biomaterials and tissue engineering (5.12. 2018)

Czech Academy of Sciences established cooperation with research institute in Taiwan in 2017, when a memorandum was signed with the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). The task of the new platform is to support specific cooperation between the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences and ITRI.

A visit of the Taiwanese delegation to the Czech Academy of Sciences was held from 19 to 21 November 2018. It included an excursion to the ELI Beamlines research center in Dolní Břežany and BIOCEV in Vestec. Markéta Bačáková spoke at the seminar, presenting research of the biomaterials and tissue engineering and the possible usage of structural biology in the development of new drugs. The Taiwanese delegation was very interested in these topics, and both sides agreed on topics that they would like to further develop into specific projects. More


Institute of Physiology presentation during Week of Science and Technology 2018 (13.11. 2018)

The institute presented itself at Science and Technology Week 2018 event. The stand of IPHYS met with a great response from visitors. There were presented three lectures - P. Ježek:Significant patent: A preparation for the treatment of cancer with light; J. Kopecký: Adipose tissue, obesity and omega-3 fatty acids and J. Zicha: Prof. MUDr. Jiří Křeček, DrSc. (1923–2014) - The development of the individual connected with screening of the historical documentary movie Generation.




Tomáš Čajka among TOP 40 best scientists under 40 years (9.11. 2018)

Tomáš Čajka from the Department of Metabolomics has been ranked among 40 best scientists under 40 years in analytical chemistry. The ranking of the 40 most successful scientists was published in the October issue of The Analytical Scientist. Congratulations! More


Fyziologický ústav patří k nejúspěšnějším žadatelům v projektu výzkumné spolupráce s USA (2.11. 2018)

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports published the results of the public competition VES18USA in the program of international cooperation in research and development INTER-EXCELLENCE, subprogram INTER-ACTION with the start of project solutions in 2019. The competition will support 46 projects with a total amount of 310,421,000 CZK . The most successful applicants were Charles University with six and the Institute of Physiology CAS with three supported projects. The institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences succeeded with 23 projects, 20 projects will be implemented by universities and 3 projects will have the other public research institutions. Detailed results can be found here.


Barbora Heřmanovská won the Student Scientific Conference of Medical Faculties (24.10. 2018)

Barbora Heřmanovská from Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology won the first prize in the Preclinical and Theoretical Section at the Student Scientific Conference of the Medical Faculties of the Czech and Slovak Republics for her research "In vivo model of focal cortical dysplasia based on somatic mutation in mTOR signaling cascade - a new way to understand mechanisms epileptogenesis".

František Vyskočil received Prize of the President of The Czech Academy of Sciences for the research popularization (17.10. 2018)

František Vyskočil received Prize of the President of The Czech Academy of Sciences for the research popularization on Tuesday, October 16, 2018 in Lanna's villa in Prague. Prof. Eva Zažímalová, the chairwoman of the CAS,  awarded the important scientists of the Czech Academy of Sciences for extraordinary results of research, experimental development and innovation. The award of the President of the CAS for the promotion or popularization of research, experimental development and innovation was received František Vyskočil, a neurophysiologist and at the same time a lifelong popularizer of science in print media, such as the magazine Vesmír, but also in radio and television programs. "We educate ourselves in the promotion of science and we ourselves learn how to teach," stated Vyskočil in a thank-you speech


Lecture "Hypertension and chronic kidney disease - causes and consequences" invitation (18.9. 2018)

Dovolujeme si vás pozvat na další přednášku z cyklu "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci" s názvem "Hypertenze a chronické onemocnění ledvin - příčiny a důsledky". RNDr. Ivana Vaněčková, DSc. a prof. MUDr. Vladimír Tesař, DrSc. představí experimentální výzkum hypertenze a léčbu nemocí ledvin. Místo a termín konání: 3. října 2018, 17:00, Akademie věd ČR, Národní 3. Doporučujeme rezervaci míst předem.  

Clinical research poster award for David Kala (3.9. 2018)

David Kala received the prize for the best poster at 13the European Congress on Epileptology, Vienna, Austria (26 - 30 August 2018).  Poster: Parameters suitable as biomarker of postischemic epileptogenesis, authors: David Kala, Jan Svoboda, Antonín Pošusta, Jiří Lisý, Vlastimil Šulc, Petr Jánský, Aleš Tomek, Petr Marusič, Přemysl Jiruška, Jakub Otáhal.

Barbora Heřmanovská won at the Student Scientific Conference of 1st Faculty of Medicine (28.6. 2018)

Barbora Heřmanovská z oddělení Molekulární neurobiologie získala 1. místo za přednášku: „In vivo model fokální kortikální dysplázie na podkladě somatické mutace v mTOR signální kaskádě – nová cesta k porozumění mechanismů epileptogeneze“ v rámci Studentské vědecké konference 1. lékařské fakulty.


40th national show of the Secondary professional activity project (20.6. 2018)

V neděli 17.6. 2018 v Olomouci vyvrcholila 40. celostátní přehlídka SOČ (středoškolská odborná činnost) vyhlášením vítězů všech kategorií a předáním cen. Letos se soutěže zúčastnili autoři 1 692 odborných prací ze středních škol a gymnázií z celé České republiky, z nichž se téměř 280 probojovalo do celostátního finále. Dle hodnocení porotců je možné 21% obhajovaných prací označit  za mimořádné.

V kategorii Zdravotnictví je pravidelně vyhlašovaná Cena ředitele Fyziologického ústavu AV ČR. 1. místo v této kategorii obsadil Alexandr Zarivnij (Církevní gymnázium Německého řádu, Olomouc) se svou prací: Inhibice glutamátové excitotoxicity v glaukomu lipozomy. Na 2. místě se umístila Kateřina Kudličková (Gymnázium Brno-Řečkovice) s prací: Tajemné proteiny z RNFT rodiny v mezibuněčné signalizaci a nádorech II a na 3. místě byla Veronika Slonková ( Gymnázium Šlapanice) s prací: Genetická predispozice EMMPRINu/CD 147, MMP-9 TIMP-2 a faktoru V Leiden u pacientů s chronickým žilním onemocněním. Všem vítězům srdečně gratulujeme a přejeme hodně energie do další práce!

Videozáznam předávání cen

Více o soutěži

Kategorie Zdravotnictví - 1. místo: Alexandr Zarivnij

The recorded interest in the fellowship of Open science programme. IPHYS was among the top five most requested! (13.6. 2018)

Na stáže pro středoškolské studenty v rámci projektu Otevřená věda se letos přihlásil rekordní počet zájemců. Celkem se přihlásilo 434 studentů, kteří podali 1028 přihlášek. Stáže v roce 2018 povede 96 lektorů z 35 ústavů Akademie věd ČR, kteří vypsali přes sto témat, z kterých si mohli středoškolští studenti vybírat. Stáže ve Fyziologickém ústavu patřily mezi 5 nejžádanějších (z celkem 116 nabízených):

1. Velká síla malých RNA – ÚMG

2. Diagnóza: rakovina zákeřná – Ing. Andrea Brázdová, Ph.D., Oddělení bioenergetiky, FGÚ

3. Mikrobiom trávicího traktu člověka – ÚŽFG

4. Sledování růstu a chování buněk hladkého svalu aorty ve statickém a dynamickém systému  – RNDr. Jana Musílková, CSc. Oddělení biometeriálů a tkáňového inženýrství, FGÚ

5. Víte, kde bereme energii? Přijďte to zjistit! – Mgr. Jana Kovalčíková, Oddělení bioenergetiky, FGÚ

IPHYS presentation at Science Fair 2018 (11.6. 2018)

V minulém týdnu proběhl v PVA Letňany Veletrh vědy, kde se ústav veřejnosti prezentoval svým stánkem. Akce byla velmi úspěšná s rekordní návštěvností 24 tis. lidí za tři dny. Stánek FGÚ se svými rozšířenými aktivitami se setkal s velkým ohlasem návštěvníků. Zároveň se ústav prezentoval i v panelové diskusi "Léčba 21. Století“, kde vystoupili doc. Jakub Otáhal, Dr. Tomáš Mráček a Ing. Josef Prchal před zcela zaplněným sálem.





Aleš Stuchlík received the degree of Doctor of Science (28.5. 2018)

Aleš Stuchlík a dalších čtrnáct excelentních vědců převzalo 23. května na slavnostním ceremoniálu v prostorách Knihovny Akademie věd ČR titul „doktor věd“ (ve zkratce DSc.). Tento titul, který se uděluje od roku 2003, náleží mimořádným vědeckým osobnostem jako výraz jejich zvláště vysoké kvalifikace. Ocenění laureátům předala předsedkyně Akademie věd ČR Eva Zažímalová. Titul „doktor věd“ představuje v současnosti v České republice nejvyšší vědeckou kvalifikaci v profesní kariéře vědce. Jedenáct z čerstvých nositelů titulu přitom působí na pracovištích Akademie věd ČR a čtyři na vysokých školách. Více



IPHYS received a grant PharmaBrain (25.5. 2018)

Fyziologický ústav se stal jako spoluřešitelské pracoviště účastníkem projektu PharmaBrain. Projekt se soustředí na roli glutamátergní neurotransmise u neuropsychiatrických a neurovývojových chorob v klinické praxi i experimentálních modelech. Tento směr výzkumu má na zúčastněných pracovištích dlouholetou tradici a vysokou reputaci na mezinárodní úrovni. Svým uspořádáním navazuje a kvalitativně posunuje předchozí úspěšná centra (Centrum Neuropsychiatrických Studií, Centrum Neurověd) a současně rozvíjí výsledky získané v řadě grantových projektů. Koncept je založen na translačním přístupu výzkumu v biomedicíně. Soustředí se na úzké propojení základního a klinického výzkumu zaměřeného na zlepšení znalostí o příčinách a mechanismech vzniku poruch CNS, které povedou k zlepšení diagnostiky a výběru optimálních terapeutických postupů.  Více

IPHYS received a grant in Horizont 2020 programme (21.5. 2018)

Fyziologický ústav se stal jako spoluřešitelské pracoviště účastníkem projektu (H2020 EPTRI) v programu Horizont 2020 zaměřeném na výzkumné infrastruktury. Cílem této infrastruktury je síť pracovišť zaměřených na inovativní translační výzkum v oblasti pediatrické medicíny a vývoje nových léčiv. Více



Science Fair 2018 (9.5. 2018)

Science Fair will be from 7 to 9 June at PVA Letnany. Open hours 10 AM - 6 PM. Free entrance.


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