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Implants - yes, but only for health reasons (1.7. 2024)

It seems to be a common thing that many women are considering today, mostly for cosmetic reasons - breast implants. The human body accepts them quite well. Yet it is still a foreign material that can change position, crack, disintegrate. That's why it's worth weighing up all the advantages and disadvantages. However, Lucie Bačáková from the Institute of Physiology of the CAS warns against unnecessary interventions and says: "Implants - yes, but only for health reasons". It is very important to raise awareness on this topic, so Lucie Bačáková gave an interview to the weekly magazine Blesk pro ženy,  which has a high readership - every issue is read by almost 600 thousand readers. 

Obesity - a serious contemporary problem (17.6. 2024)

More than 60 per cent of Czechs are overweight, and also a quarter of children are overweight. Obesity is a disease significantly influenced by genes and partly by lifestyle. It also triggers many other diseases. How to treat it? And why do obese people have a much harder time losing weight than others? Petr Zouhar from the Laboratory of Adipose Tissue Biology at the Institute of Physiology of the CAS answers these questions.


Replacement vessels from the umbilical cord (6.6. 2024)

Thanks to tissue engineering, we can now replace blood vessels, cartilage, joints, heart valves and many other parts of the body that fail in the human body. The Laboratory of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering at the Institute of Physiology deals with this issue and is headed by Lucie Bačáková. What does she think about the rapid progress in the field of tissue engineering, the invention of replacement organs applicable to humans, and why it makes sense to continue research that could become a reality in the distant future? Find out more about this interesting topic in a large interview with Lucie Bačáková for the magazine Zázraky medicíny


Science Fair attracted nearly 60 thousand science fans (3.6. 2024)

The Science Fair that took place last week in Letňany was visited by an incredible 58 000 VISITORS! At the stand of the Institute of Physiology, visitors could learn how epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease or diabetes is caused. They could learn more about the human body, try to solve a scientific crossword puzzle, build a model of the heart or brain or look at the yeast under a microscope. The atmosphere at the fair was perfect and we are already looking forward to the next year!



170 000 views of the interview with Lucie Bačáková. Topic? Implants! (7.5. 2024)

Almost 170,000 people were interested in the topic of implants, which Lucie Bačáková from the Institute of Physiology introduces in an interview. Implants do not serve to save humanity, but only as a last step when treatment and prevention have failed in a patient. According to her, people should avoid reaching for implants only for beautification. They are a foreign thing to the body. And it puts biochemical and mechanical stress on the implant. Over time, micro and nanoparticles will be released from the implant. All implants run the risk of adverse events and the need for reoperation. Interview

How to train memory? (6.5. 2024)

In moments of desperation, when we can't remember our credit card PIN for the life of us, it seems impossible. In reality, however, the capacity of our brains is enormous. It is estimated that the average brain has the capacity to store a staggering 2.5 million gigabytes of digital memory. But there's a catch. We don't just use it to store information. What's more, memories are recorded differently in the brain than information in a computer, which remains as it was written. How can we remember better? And what are effective training techniques? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in a great interview with Aleš Stuchlík in Téma magazine. Interview

Ondřej Kuda a Marcela Křížová zaujali přednáškou "Mateřské mléko - bílé zlato" (26.4. 2024)

Mateřské mléko je nenahraditelným zdrojem výživy, které se svým složením přizpůsobuje individuálním potřebám miminka. Velice zajímavá přednáška na téma unikátnosti a nenahraditelnosti mateřského mléka pro výživu novorozenců proběhla 24.4. v Akademii věd na Národní třídě. Ondřej Kuda z FGÚ popsal vlastnosti mateřského mléka ve spojitosti s novými zjištěními a vyzdvihl přínos spolupráce s Ústavem pro matku a dítě v Podolí. Marcela Křížová z Ústavu pro matku a dítě v Podolí přiblížila fungování Banky mateřského mléka v ÚPMD a popsala např. nové postupy při péči o nedonošené novorozence.

Přednášku byla realizována v rámci cyklu "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci". Cyklus přednášek "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci" přibližuje zkoumání podstaty závažných onemocnění člověka v laboratořích FGÚ a zároveň představuje vzájemnou a nepostradatelnou spolupráci vědců s klinickými lékaři. Další přednáška bude věnována tématu Alzheimerovy nemoci jejíž úskalí a specifika v souvislosti s narušenou prostorovou pamětí přiblíží Jan Svoboda (FGÚ AV ČR) a Jan Laczó (Neurologická klinika 2.LF UK a FN Motol). Přednáška se bude konat 20. listopadu od 17 hod. v Akademii věd na Národní třídě.

Invitation to the lecture " Maternal Milk - White Gold" (26.3. 2024)

Dovolujeme si vás pozvat na přednášku "Mateřské mléko- bílé zlato". Přednáší: Ondřej Kuda (FGÚ AV ČR) a Marcela Křížová (Ústav pro péči o matku a dítě)
Přednášku pořádá FGÚ v rámci cyklu "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci". Cyklus přednášek "Lidské tělo ve zdraví i nemoci" přibližuje zkoumání podstaty závažných onemocnění člověka v laboratořích FGÚ a zároveň představuje vzájemnou a nepostradatelnou spolupráci vědců s klinickými lékaři.

Do not forget about Alzheimer's disease (12.3. 2024)

It is not only in connection with Brain Week that we bring you a reflection on the current topic. How widespread is Alzheimer's disease in our country? How many people have it?  What is the current state of Alzheimer's medication? Do some drugs help even a little? And what about our personal prevention. How should we live and what should we really care about? Tomáš Petrásek from the Institute of Physiology talks about all this topics in the Czech Radio

70 years of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS (11.3. 2024)

Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences was founded seventy years ago, on 1 January 1954, within the (then still Czechoslovak) Academy of Sciences. Since then it has been systematically engaged in research in the field of normal and pathological physiology. We are characterizing in increasing depth the basic biological mechanisms with a bearing on human beings and medicine. In the seventy years that have passed since the Institute was founded, our society has grown considerably older and fatter. Modern medicine is thus facing new challenges in the form of an increased onslaught of so-called civilization diseases. The main current goal of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS is to research the causes of these non-infectious diseases associated with obesity and ageing.

For this year's 70th anniversary of the Institute's foundation, we are preparing a number of activities. The first of these is a series of four articles on current research topics, which appeared in the journal Vesmír (3/2024):

70 let Fyziologického ústavu AV ČR: Pomáháme odhalovat podstatu závažných onemocnění (Jan Kopecký)

Padesát odstínů malých šedých buněk (Helena Janíčková)

Epitranskriptom: klíč ke zdravému srdci? (Daniel Benák a Markéta Hlaváčková)

Inzulinem to nekončí: Zdravé beta-buňky jsou budoucností léčby diabetu (Lydie Plecitá Hlavatá)

Brain Week begins! (11.3. 2024)

Brain Week is a festival of the latest discoveries and trends in brain research and neuroscience, part of Brain Awareness Week (BAW) - a global campaign to raise public awareness of the achievements and benefits of brain research. The tradition of Brain Week in the Czech Republic was initiated and founded by Czech neuroscientist Prof. Josef Syka in 1998.
Discover how your brain works, what lies behind its complex mechanisms and how you can improve your life by taking care of it. Experience an unforgettable experience full of inspiration, knowledge and fun!

Institute of Physiology would like to invite you to three lectures (in Czech language only):

Paměť, věk, a Alzheimerova nemoc: čelíme výzvám stáří

pondělí 11. 3., 14:00/ Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, Akademie věd ČR, sál č. 206


Regulace mikrotubulů – mezi vývojem mozku a neurovývojovými poruchami

úterý 12. 3., 9:00 / Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, Akademie věd ČR, sál č. 206


Jak vzpomínky přecházejí z krátkodobé do dlouhodobé paměti

čtvrtek 14. 3., 14:00 / Praha 1, Národní 1009/3, Akademie věd ČR, sál č. 206



For our lectures (and most other events) it is necessary to reserve a place, but the entrance is traditionally free!! We look forward to seeing you! 


Two IPHYS principal investigators were successful in the competition of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Inter-Excellence II USA (19.12. 2023)

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has announced the results of the public competition in research, development and innovation LUAUS24 (bilateral projects Czech Republic - United States of America) in the programme of support for international cooperation in research, development and innovation INTER-EXCELLENCE II (code: LU), sub-programme INTER-ACTION for projects with a duration of 2024-2028. From a total of eight submitted projects, two researchers from FGÚ succeeded with their projects "New metabolic pathways of lipid movement" (investigator: RNDr. Ondřej Kuda, Ph.D.) and "Clinical metabolomics and lipidomics as innovative tools for diagnosis and characterization of heart and kidney diseases" (investigator: doc. Ing. Tomáš Čajka, Ph.D.). Congratulations to both researchers!

Ondřej Kuda received Prize of Minister of Education (21.11. 2023)

RNDr. Ondřej Kuda, Ph.D., Head of Laboratory of Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids at the Institute of Physiology of the CAS, received the Prize of the Minister of Education for outstanding results in research, experimental development and innovation on 20 November 2023. The prize was awarded for the results of research on the new signaling lipid molecules that suppress inflammation and improve glucose metabolism in patients with diabetes.

photo: MŠMT

Alexandra Ptáková received the Rector's Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement within the Charles University Grant Agency support (20.11. 2023)

On Friday, 17 November 2023, Alexandra Ptáková received the Rector's Award for the absolute best scientific project within the Charles University Grant Agency support. This prestigious award was given on the occasion of the Day of the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy and the International Students' Day. The publications on the basis of which the prize was awarded originated in the Laboratory of Cellular Neurophysiology at the Institute of Physiology.

Ptáková; Alexandra - Mitro; Michal - Zímová; Lucie - Vlachová; Viktorie . Cellular context determines primary characteristics of human TRPC5 as a cold-activated channel . Journal of Cellular Physiology. 2022; 237(9); 3614-3626. DOI IF = 5.6 

Zimová; Lucie - Ptáková; Alexandra - Mitro; Michal - Krůšek; Jan - Vlachová; Viktorie . Activity dependent inhibition of TRPC1/4/5 channels by duloxetine involves voltage sensor-like domain . Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2022; 152(August)); 113262. DOI IF = 7.5

Helena Illnerová in the documentary series Babylon (1.11. 2023)

Physiologist, biologist who was the first in the world to discover dependency function of the biological clock in the brain of mammals on the length of the day during the seasons, but also a scout. This is the former President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Helena Illnerová, whose life is closely linked to the Institute of Physiology, where she began her scientific career in 1961. One of the episodes of the documentary series Babylon, which premiered on Czech Television on 28 October 2023, is dedicated to her.

Kateryna Semenovykh received the Martina Roeselová Foundation Grant (20.12. 2022)

The Martina Roeselová Memorial Grant is designed for graduate students and early career scientists in the natural sciences who are trying to combine competitive scientific activity with quality early childhood care. The IOCB Tech Foundation will support 10 young scientists with an annual scholarship of CZK 150,000. Kateryna Semenovykh from the Institute of Physiology of the CAS received the scholarship for the year 2023 at a ceremony on Friday 16 December 2022. Congratulations!

Four important IPHYS researchers celebrated their life anniversaries (13.12. 2022)

On Monday, 12 December, the pre-Christmas seminar "The Scientific Footprint of the Work of Four Personalities of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS" was dedicated to Jaroslava Folbergrová, Helena Illnerová, Zdeněk Drahota and Pavel Mareš. The evening was a tribute to these four personalities whose lives are inseparably connected with Institute of Physiology. We congratulate them once again on their significant life anniversaries.

from the left: Z. Drahota, H. Illnerová, J. Folbergrová, P. Mareš

Results of bibliometric analysis of M17+ (8.12. 2022)

The Institute of Physiology of the CAS, v.v.i. (hereinafter referred to as IPHYS) was ranked among the top-ranked research organizations in the bibliometric evaluation of publications for the period 2016-2020 in the M17+ system. In particular, the high number of high quality publications in the first quartile of journals (Q1) according to the article influence score (AIS) parameter with a corresponding author from IPHYS (55%) was positively evaluated by the relevant Basic Medicine Expert Panel. As stated in the Panel report, information on the corresponding author is essential to determine the leader of the collaborating teams, who is the originator of the project and who manages the whole project. The excellent results of this evaluation thus confirm the important position of IPHYS in the field of biomedical research in the Czech Republic and the important role of IPHYS scientists in characterizing the complex mechanisms of origin and potential therapies for a number of major diseases of civilization.

Starting this year, research in this area will be strengthened by the participation of most IPHYS research teams in one of two strategic projects supported by the European Union through Next Generation EU EXCELES, the National Institute for Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease Research (CarDia) and the National Institute for Neurological Research (NINR). IPHYS's partnership in these two projects will allow to deepen collaboration between basic and clinical research and improve the quality of biomedical research across the Czech Republic.

Veronika Palůchová received the Josef Hlávka Prize (30.11. 2022)

On Wednesday, 16 November 2022, Veronika Palůchová received the Josef Hlávka Prize in Lužany Castle. This prestigious award is intended for the best students or graduates of Prague universities, Brno technology and young scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The Josef Hlávka Prize is presented annually at his castle in Lužany near Přeštice, on the eve of the national holiday of 17 November, in honour of the memory of the famous Czech architect, builder and patron. 

Veronika Palůchová (second from the right)

Great first place for student Martin Kubeš, who completed his internship within the Open Science project at IPHYS (29.11. 2022)

At the final conference of the Open Science project on 24 November 2022, the winner was Martin Kubeš, a student of the Čáslav Gymnasium, who completed his internship at the Institute of Physiology.  Martin Kubeš took 1st place in the Life Sciences category with his presentation entitled "Cations - key elements for the life of eukaryotic cells". He completed his internship in the Laboratory of Membrane Transport under the supervision of Olga Zimmermanná. Congratulations to Martin!

Vojtěch Vyklický was successful in the JUNIOR STAR project announced by GA CR (7.11. 2022)

Vojtěch Vyklický succeeded in the grant competition announced by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GA CR) with his project "Conformational dynamics of NMDA receptors: from structure to function and pharmacology". The GA CR will fund 10 new EXPRO projects and 23 JUNIOR STAR projects from next year. Both prestigious competitions aim to promote scientific excellence through superior conditions - EXPRO is for experienced scientists who have a breakthrough idea, while JUNIOR STAR will allow outstanding early career scientists to pursue their own research topics. The five-year projects will receive a total of almost one billion crowns. The EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR competitions always support only the best projects that have been endorsed by international evaluation panels. Their researchers have better support conditions during the five-year solution period. 

Lucie Bačáková received the prestigious Academic Award - Praemium Academiae 2022 (7.11. 2022)

Lucie Bačáková was awarded the prestigious Academic Prize - Praemium Academiae 2022. The purpose of the Academic Prize, as a strictly selective instrument of financial and moral support for scientific excellence in the Czech Academy of Sciences, is to support outstanding scientists who are conducting research at the top international level and to create conditions for them to better develop their potential for the benefit of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech science as a whole. Congratulations to doc. Bačáková and her team!

2nd Bilateral meeting with the Nencki Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (17.10. 2022)

Seven scientists from the Institute of Physiology CAS, including the director of the Institute, dr. Kopecký, participated in the 2nd Bilateral meeting with the Nencki Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw on 10-12 October 2022. The staff of the Institute of Physiology presented the results of their research, especially in the field of metabolism and neurosciences. The aim of the conference was to mutually present selected scientific topics addressed at the individual institutes, whether they were topics addressed within the framework of ongoing joint grants or possibilities of future cooperation, including services (e.g. metabolomic analyses).



above, from the left: Jerzy Duszyński, Agnieszka Dobrzyń, Jan Kopecký; lecture of Tomáš Čajka

bottom photo on the right: Adam Szewczyk 

Visit of the International Advisory Board in the Institute of Physiology (17.10. 2022)

The meeting of the International Advisory Board of Institute of Physiology of the CAS with the management of the Institute took place on 13 and 14 October 2022.  During the meeting, the members of the Board got acquainted with the organizational structure of the Institute, scientific and pedagogical activities, as well as the overall budget and the economic model of financing individual laboratories. During the discussions and visits to selected scientific and service departments, the questions of research strategy and further development of the Institute, start-up programme for the establishment of new departments or the possibility of participation in European research projects were raised.  The Advisory Board will help further with improving international cooperation and increasing the prestige of the Institute, with evaluation criteria for the quality of individual laboratories and with improving of the leadership of the institute.

from the left: Jan Kopecký, Bryndis Birnir, Adam Szewczyk, Pontus Persson, Marianne Schultzberg, Jiří Paleček

Enrico Patrono won the national round of the international competition Falling Walls Lab (6.10. 2022)

Enrico Patrono won the national round of the international Falling Walls Lab competition in Wroclaw, Poland. The aim of the project is to connect the next generation of scientists and innovators and come up with a breakthrough idea - a scientific project, a business plan or a social initiative that breaks down all walls and barriers. Enrico has advanced to the global final in Berlin, which are regularly held on the day of the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, 7 November 2022.

His project is about an innovative trans-disciplinary approach to Neuroscience. "With the collaboration of a physicist from the University of Hamburg, we are implementing a new in-vitro device called Brain-on-a-Chip (BoC), reproducing specific brain areas in a plastic chip. This new tool will allow us to model any potential features of psychopathology and to study in-depth and, on time, the specific neurotransmission. Furthermore, coupling with optogenetics methods, we can tackle the “spatial-temporal resolution” problem in Neuroscience, which is critical in detecting the main brain actors playing in the drama of psychiatric disorders", explains Dr. Patrono.   

Michal Pravenec received G. J. Mendel Honorary Field Medal (16.9. 2022)

On Wednesday 14 September 2022, Ing. Michal Pravenec, DrSc. received the Gregor Johann Mendel Honorary Field Medal for Merit in the Biological Sciences. Michal Pravenec investigates which genetic variants cause common diseases such as diabetes. He has gained international recognition especially in the field of genetics of complex traits in animal models. The recognition worldwide is also evident from the list of prestigious foreign grant projects he has received. In 2015, he received the highest award of the Academy of Sciences - the Academic Award. This was tied to a project in which Michal Pravenec and his team investigate how excess salt does or does not cause hypertension. He has also played a key role in the development of unique biological models and analytical approaches to unravel the genetic determinants of multifactorial metabolic and cardiovascular phenotypes at the molecular level in animals, and in using these results to understand the pathogenesis of similar traits in humans.

Dalibor Košek received Otto Wichterle Prize (27.6. 2022)

Twenty-five outstanding young scientific talents have received a prestigious award of the Czech Academy of Sciences: Otto Wichterle Prize 2022. The future generation of scientists under the age of 35 received the award from the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Eva Zažímalová during a ceremony on 20 June 2022. One of the awardees is Dalibor Košek from the Institute of Physiology of the CAS. Dr. Kosek studies DNA transposons, which are mobile genetic elements present in the genome of almost all organisms. Among other things, they are involved in the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Dr. Košek has contributed significantly to the elucidation of a number of questions and is an expert in addressing the molecular mechanisms involved in DNA recombination. He has also described a mobilisation system that may have future applications in genetic medicine. 

Přemysl Jiruška received the Award of the Minister of Health (13.6. 2022)

On 7 June, Minister of Health Vlastimil Válek awarded the significant projects in health science and research the Award of the Minister of Health for Health Research and Development for 2021. Přemysl Jiruška was one of the five honoured and received the prize for his studies of anatomical and functional changes in the brain after a stroke or epilepsy, which he carried out as part of his scientific work at the Institute of Physiology. The new findings regarding CMS will allow to identify patients who will benefit most from early rehabilitation. In the case of epilepsy, the results will then be used to determine the risk of seizures and to introduce new treatments. Funding for the projects is distributed by the Czech Medical Research Agency (AZV), with more than six billion crowns for the years 2020 to 2026.

PHD PROGRAMME 2022 (15.3. 2022)

Deadline was extended to March 31 to facilitate applications of Ukrainian students. More information

Awarding of J. E. Purkyne medals and celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Physiological Research Journal (3.3. 2022)

On Tuesday, March 1, Josef Zicha and Jan Kopecký received from the hands of P. Mareš and B. Ošt'ádal the Jan Evangelista Purkyně Honorary Medals for Merit in Biomedical Sciences. This award has been awarded by the Czech Acadeny of Sciences since 1965 in recognition of outstanding results of scientific work in biology, especially in the fields of biomedicine. During the award ceremony, J. Zicha summarized past years of Physiological Research, a bimonthly journal published by the Institute of Physiology in English, which celebrates 70th anniversary this year.

František Vyskočil received the Silver Medal of Charles University (3.2. 2022)

On Thursday, 27 January, the Scientific Council of Charles University awarded a commemorative medal to eight prominent personalities whose professional lives are connected with the University. Prof. RNDr. František Vyskočil, DrSc. received a silver commemorative medal for his significant lifetime work in the field of physiology and his long-standing scientific and pedagogical activities at Charles University. 

František Vyskočil has been researching neurophysiology and biophysics of cell membranes since his student years. His discoveries have significantly deepened the knowledge of the transmission of nerve impulses and the overall functioning of the nervous system of animals, including the human brain. His first research work, which he undertook as a student at the Faculty of Science of Charles University, on neuromuscular coupling was published in one of the most prestigious scientific journals, Nature. František Vyskočil also gained international attention for his discovery and description of the mechanism of so-called non-quantum excretion of neurotransmitters at mammalian synapses. In total, he is the author of 310 scientific papers. Professor Vyskočil connected his professional life with the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and still lectures at the Faculty of Science of the Charles University. He is also a popular teacher and popularizer of science, for which he has received numerous awards. 

Jan Kopecký received J. E. Purkinje Honorary Field Medal (25.1. 2022)

The Director of the Institute, MUDr. Jan Kopecký, DrSc. was awarded the Jan Evangelista Purkinje Honorary Field Medal for Merit in Biomedical Sciences. This award has been granted by the Czech Academy of Sciences since 1965 in recognition of outstanding results of scientific work in biology, especially in the fields of biomedical sciences.

Jan Kopecký has contributed to a significant advance in research on the problems of metabolism and obesity on a global level and has thus contributed to the improvement of treatment procedures for patients. He has co-authored more than 188 scientific articles mainly in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology and metabolism. His current research topics include the influence of white adipose tissue metabolism on whole-body lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, ontogenetic development of energy metabolism, and translational research on cachexia and adipose tissue. His work defined the concept of a "healthy adipocyte", i.e. a fat cell with a high capacity for oxidative phosphorylation and the ability to respond flexibly to metabolic changes. Congratulations on the award!

Alena Sumová was appointed a Professor (16.12. 2021)

Alena Sumová was appointed a Professor in Animal physiology. Czech president signed a letter of appointment on December 15, 2021. The appointment procedure took a place at South Bohemian University in České Budějovice.

Petr Ježek received the Prize of Minister of Education (13.12. 2021)

Petr Ježek received the Prize of Minister of Education, Youth and Sports for exceptional results in the field of research, development and innovation. He received the prize for the using approaches and methodologies, including highly sophisticated high-resolution microscopy methods, which are an example of excellent basic research. Dr. Ježek's excellent work in the International Society for Lipidomics is also an example of excellent interdisciplinary and international cooperation. Four other leading scientists were awarded - prof. Michal Holčapek, prof. Michal Koucký, prof. Marie Hušková and prof. Eva Topinková. More information

IPHYS internships come top among secondary-school students (2.12. 2021)

Open Science internships are offered at IPHYS by 4 lecturers (B. Holendová, H. Janíčková, J. Musílková, O. Zimmermannová). The interships offered in year 2022 had an enormous interest. A quarter of all students want to do the internship at IPHYS. Internship on the topic of pancreatic research under the guidance of Dr. Holendová was the most successful in the entire Open Science project, with 85 students applying. The second most requested internship of the whole project was the internship of Dr. Musílková focused on research monitoring the growth and differentiation of stem cells. 71 high school students signed up for it. Internship of Dr. Zimmermannová was interested in 49 students and the internship of Dr. Janíčková 41 students. All IPHYS internships are therefore in the TOP 8 most requested internships. A total of 165 students applied for IPHYS internships and sent 246 applications. In total 656 high school students with 1589 applications were interested in. 

Six scientists of the Institute of Physiology belong among 2% of the most cited authors in the world (22.11. 2021)

Representatives of Elsevier publishing company, SciTech Strategies organization and Stanford University announced a new list of 2 % the most-cited scientists of all disciplines that are involved in the database Scopus in 2020. Six scientists of the Institute of Physiology belong among  them: Tomáš Čajka, Petr Ježek, Milada Dobiášová, Lucie Bačáková, Ondřej Kuda and Josef Houštěk. The list includes 712 authors from Czech research institutions with 107 of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Big congratulations to all our colleagues!

Almost a fifth of the lecturers at the Open Science Conference 2021 did their internship at IPHYS (22.11. 2021)

High school students presented the results of their research from internships at the Open Science Conference 2021, which took place on 18 and 19 November 2021 in the conference rooms of the IMG CAS. The students presented the topics they covered during their annual internships and the results they achieved in their research. There were presented 40 presentations from 69 talented young scientists. 11 students who presented 7 presentations completed their internship at the Institute of Physiology CAS.

3rd place in the 2nd field of science - Living Nature and Chemistry was won by student Alena Machalíková, lecturer Blanka Holendová from the Laboratory of Mitochondrial Physiology. Expert jury composed of: RNDr. Hana Sychrová, DrSc., Mgr. Tomáš Kraus, Ph.D. and RNDr. Petr Novák, Ph.D. agreed at a very high level not only the quantity and quality of the presented results, but also the presentation itself. Congratulations to the winner and all participants and we also thank the lecturers of internships at PHYS: K. Brejchová, B. Holendová, H. Janíčková, J. Musílková, V. Palůchová, M. Tencerová and O. Zimmermannová.

Complete results  Open Science at IPHYS

Discover the world of physiology online! (27.10. 2021)

As part of the Science and Technology Week you can take a look at the world of physiology online. We have prepared an interactive game, tests, crossword puzzles and other tasks that will help you find out more about your body and other interesting things from the world of physiology. How well do you know the human body? How does your memory work? Where does the brain control your muscles? Do you know how your biological clock ticks? You can try everything here. 

Martina Trávníčková received the Scientific Award of the French Embassy (5.10. 2021)

On Thursday, September 30, 2021, Martina Trávníčková received the award from the French Embassy in the Czech Republic. She placed 2nd in the Pharmacy category with her work "Studies of Adhesion, Growth and Differentiation of Stem Cells for Bone and Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering". The awards in this category are jointly granted by the French Embassy in the Czech Republic and the Fondation Recherche en Chimie / Université de Strasbourg. The event was chaired by Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Pavel Doleček, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Research and French Ambassador Alexis Dutertre. A total of 71 applicants under the age of 33 took part in the competition, nominated by the university or the Academy of Sciences on the basis of the quality of their research work within the doctoral study. The results were decided by 7 commissions composed of 49 Czech and French professors and scientists. More

Helena Illnerová received the Silver Medal of the President of the Senate (30.9. 2021)

On Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Helena Illnerová received Silver medal of the President of the Senate. Since 2007, the silver medals of the President of the Senate have been awarded to important personalities from the ranks of scientists, artists, athletes and other public officials who excel in their fields or with their special deeds or abilities. Medallion of Helena Illnerova


Foto: Stanislava Kyselová

František Vyskočil received the Medal of the Faculty of Science of Charles University (17.8. 2021)

On Monday, June 21, 2021 awarded the Dean of the Faculty of Science prof. Jiří Zima ten personalities with the memorial medal of the Faculty of Science of Charles University. Prof. František Vyskočil was one of ten awarded personalities. More information

Prof. Tomáš Radil has died (9.8. 2021)

With deep sorrow we announce that on April 8, died at age of 90, Prof. MUDr.Tomáš Radil, DrSc, the exceptional person and emeritus researcher of the Institute of Physiology of the CAS. Honor his memory. Memory of the Prof. Radil



The one-week summer course on Advances in Selected Areas of Biomedicine for Students of Medical Faculties will be held in September 6-10, 2021.

The course will focus on acquiring new knowledge and practical experience with biomedical research. The aim is to increase the qualification of graduates of medical faculties of the Charles University in Prague in the field of biomedical research and to increase their interest in postgraduate education.The course is primarily, but not exclusively, intended for 1st and 2nd year students, it will be in English and its capacity is limited to 20 participants. Deadline for application is July 302021. Applicants will be selected on a first come, first-serve basis. The course is free of charge. Summer course reached maximum capacity and is CLOSED. More information about the course

Michaela Tencerová succeeded in the competition L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science (28.6. 2021)

The project L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science was founded in Paris in 1998. It is aimed at women scientists under the age of 40. The project began in 2006 in the Czech Republic.  66 women scientists signed up for the domestic version of the international program this year. A jury composed of representatives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, UNESCO and L'Oréal, selected 13 semi-finalists. In the end, neurologist Petra Laššuthová, plant geneticist Terezie Mandáková and physiologist Michaela Tencerová became the laureates. Congratulations!

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