Public events

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Brain Week
Brain Week is a festival of the latest discoveries and trends in brain research and neuroscience, part of Brain Awareness Week (BAW) – a global campaign to raise public awareness of the achievements and benefits of brain research. The tradition of Brain Week in the Czech Republic was initiated and founded by Czech neuroscientist Professor Josef Syka in 1998.
As part of Brain Week, FGU offers the opportunity to try out selected psychological tests used to detect memory impairment and spatial orientation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy or schizophrenia. The tests have been developed by scientists from the Department of Neurophysiology of Memory, who are investigating the causes of memory and orientation disorders and developing new diagnostic tests for use in clinical practice. FGU offers an interactive Memory Park exhibition, which is usually part of the programme in the building of the CAS, Národní tr. 3. Researchers also give lectures with follow-up topics.
- Date: 16. 03. 2025
- Time: 10:00
- Type: Brain Week, Popularization
- Date: 10. 03. 2025
- Time: 14:00
- Type: Brain Week, Popularization
Week of the Academy of Sciences of the CAS
The Week of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic is a science festival that is a seamless continuation of the former Week of Science and Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. It includes lectures, exhibitions, events at workplaces, documentary films, workshops and many other activities across the country and all scientific disciplines. The festival is intended both for high school students, for whom we prepare mainly lectures and excursions in the morning, and for the general public, who are targeted by the programme in the afternoon and evening.
Open Doors Day
Every year, the FGU makes its laboratories available to the general public and introduces the environment of the scientific institution. How does a healthy human body work? What happens when you get sick? How does pain occur? How does your biological clock tick? Take a look inside the science laboratories and learn about the origins of serious diseases such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, memory disorders, cardiovascular problems and obesity. You can then explore the workings of the human body in the J. E. PURKYNĚ PHYSIOLOGICAL CHAMBER and train your memory in the MEMORY PARK.
- Date: 04. 11. 2024
- Time: 16:00
- Type: Popularization, Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Science Fair
The largest popular science event in the Czech Republic, organised annually since 2015 by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. It deals with science in all its forms and offers visitors the most interesting from the world of natural, technical, humanities and social sciences.
FGU exhibition stand
At the booth, visitors will learn how we study the workings of the human body and its diseases from the molecule to the whole organism. There are practical tasks from the world of physiology, for example, interested parties can try to build a brain or heart on a special model, solve a scientific riddle or determine their chronotype.
lecture series Human Body in Health and Disease
The lecture series “The Human Body in Health and Disease” presents the investigation of the nature of serious human diseases in the laboratories of the FGU and at the same time presents the mutual and indispensable cooperation between scientists and clinicians. The lectures are intended for the general public and take place at the Academy of Sciences on Národní třída in Prague.