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About the department
Department provides services concerning work with radioactive materials for the whole Krč campus. The department offers following services:
Radioactivity measurements of all kinds of samples are carried out for research workers of other departments of the Institute of Physiology as well as other Institutes of the Academy of Sciences in the Krč area.
Disposal of radioactive waste.
Counselling and services in the field of manipulation with radioactive materials, ordering and purchasing radioactive preparations, etc.
Pavelka, Stanislav Development of radiometric assays for quantification of enzyme activities of the key enzymes of thyroid hormones metabolism. Physiological Research 2014, roč. 63, suppl.1, s133-s140. ISSN 0862-8408..
IF = 1.293
Pavelka, Stanislav - Vobecký, Miloslav - Babický, Arnošt Ascertainment of variations in the biological half-lives of bromide and sodium ions in the rat by in vivo gamma-ray measurement of 82Br and 24Na radionuclides. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2009, Roč. 67, č. 12, s. 2110-2112.
IF = 1.094