19th BioCEV-Krč Methodological Seminar

19th BioCEV-Krč Methodological Seminar

19th BIOCEV-Krč Methodological Seminar

venue: Lecture hall of the Institute of Physiology CAS, Vídeňská 1083

Topic: Trace Element and Speciation Analysis in Biological and Environmental Samples

The Department of Trace Element Analysis (DTEA), located in Krč-campus, is a detached workplace of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry (IAC) of the CAS located in Brno. Our team is focused on determination of analytically important elements and their individual chemical forms, species, at ultratrace concentration levels by atomic spectrometric detectors, especially in biological, clinical and environmental samples. In a short introductory lecture, the specifics of sample preparation for trace element and speciation analysis will be discussed. Moreover, the fundamental principles of atomic spectrometric detectors employed will be treated. The following lectures will be devoted to applications of these methods to authentic samples with complex matrix. Examples of recent collaborations, including both on-campus and international cooperations, will be shown to illustrate the potential of using our instrumentation and expertise for your samples and projects.


Trace Element and Speciation Analysis by Atomic Spectrometric Methods

RNDr. Jan Kratzer, Ph.D.

Determination of total element content versus speciation analysis – specific requirements for sample preparation. Fundamental principles of atomic spectrometric detectors including atomic absorption (AAS) and fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) as well as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

From total content of trace elements to their chemical forms – species in biomedical applications

RNDr. Tomáš Matoušek, Ph.D.

Examples of trace element analyses showing capabilities of ICP-MS/MS for biomedicinal applications will be presented. This includes single element studies, multielement monitoring of bird blood, microsamples of nanoparticles or determination of gold as label in a single cell. More advanced approaches to speciation studies involving HPLC-ICP-MS and hydride generation methods will be introduced, with examples of speciation analysis of arsenic in cell lysates, blood, plant material or from certification campaign of seafood and insect protein reference materials.

Trace element and speciation analysis in environmental applications

Dr. Adrián García Figueroa, Ph.D.

Nowadays, ICP-MS can be considered the most powerful instrumentation for elemental environmental analysis in terms of sensitivity and robustness. However, when targeting some elements which are presented in the environment in different chemical species and/or at (sub)ppt concentrations, this instrumentation still presents some limitations. In this lecture methodologies developed in our group to deal with these kind of cases will be presented, using the most state of art ICP-MS/MS. Also, alternative uses of this instrument will be discussed, such as determination of nanoparticles and fluorine analysis.

Advanced methodologies combining various techniques – from simple species to more complex ones

RNDr. Stanislav Musil, Ph.D.

The exclusive position in element speciation analysis is held by HPLC coupled to ICP-MS. However, the identification of more complex, sometimes hitherto unknown or less stable, species in the sample may be difficult. For this reason, parallel detection systems have recently been developed that combine both ICP-MS as a sensitive element-specific detector and a classical mass spectrometer known from organic analysis, equipped with electrospray ionization (ESI-MS). We are equipped with the appropriate instrumentation for such studies and its potential will be demonstrated using arsenic as an example. Our laboratory is also fully authorized to handle open sources of radiation that are used during the development of new analytical methodologies. The examples and the list of isotopes for which our laboratory is authorized will be given.

Duration approx. 90 min.

Contact person: Jan Kratzer, jkratzer@biomed.cas.cz

IPHYS contact person: Jan Jakubík, jan.jakubik@fgu.cas.cz