Lectures and seminars

Lectures and seminars - bg 3

Bureš lectures

The human body in health and disease

BIOCEV-Krč Methodological Seminars

Planned lectures

Tomáš Čajka, Laboratory of Translational Metabolism, IPHYS
Karel Šonka (Neurologická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN ) and Petra Procházková (Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR)
Laboratory of Experimental Hypertension, IPHYS
Laboratory of Cellular Neurophysiology, IPHYS
Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Memory, IPHYS
RNDr. Jaroslav Kuneš, DrSc. (FGÚ AV ČR) a prof. MUDr. Martin Haluzík, DrSc. (IKEM)

Past lectures

Martina Rauner, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Martina Rauner, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany...
Lukáš Chmátal, Ph.D., Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, MIT, USA...
19th BioCEV-Krč Methodological Seminar...
BBMRI.cz - The Network of Czech Biobanks: Access to human samples...
RNDr. Jan Svoboda, Ph.D. (FGU AV ČR) a Prof. MUDr. Jan Laczó, Ph.D. (Neurologická klinika 2.LF UK a FN Motol)...
Ondřej Kuda, Laboratory of Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids, IPHYS...
Martin Rossmeisl, Laborator of Adipose Tissue Biology, IPHYS...
Public scientific lecture of candidates...