Bureš lectures

Bureš lectures - bg 3
Bureš lectures -

The Bureš Lectures are a series of publicly accessible colloquia given by world-renowned scientific personalities. The lecture series was initiated in 2013 as part of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Physiology. It is named in the honor of Dr. Jan Bureš (13. 6. 1926 – 24. 8. 2012), an outstanding neuroscientist who worked in the Institute of Physiology starting in the 1950s. During his illustrious career in the institute, he investigated especially the mechanisms of cortical spreading depression in brain activity, as well as the neural mechanisms of memory, spatial perception and orientation.


Prof. Michael Hastings, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, Great Britain...
Masashi Yanagisawa, International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS), University of Tsukuba, Japan...
Philipp Scherer, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA...


Scientific part
Tel: 2708
Email: martin.zapotocky@biomed.cas.cz
Organizational part
Independent specialist officer, PR specialist
Tel: 2413
Email: diana.moosova@fgu.cas.cz