Laboratory of Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids

Laboratory of Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids - bg 3

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Laboratory of Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids -

About the department

The goal of the laboratory is to elucidate how metabolites influence organ function, nutrient sensing, inter-organ communication, and liver and adipose tissue physiology. Current projects investigate complications of type 2 diabetes, adipose tissue metabolism, heart failure, various cancers, and cachexia, spanning the fields of physiology, chemistry, and bioinformatics. Core expertise includes in vivo experiments with mice (infusions, clamps, dietary experiments) and cell culture experiments (subcellular metabolomics, fluxomics). The laboratory specializes in the analysis of polar metabolites, simple and complex lipids, and lipid mediators such as FAHFAs, using advanced mass spectrometry-based methods. The workflows integrate different omics techniques, including metabolomics, lipidomics, transcriptomics and metabolic flux analysis, supported by specialized bioinformatics tools developed in the lab. 


Ondrej Kuda, Head of Laboratory of Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids at the Institute of Physiology of the CAS, received the Prize of the Minister of Education for outstanding results in research, experimental development and innovation on 20 November 2023. The prize was awarded for the results of research on the new signaling lipid molecules that suppress inflammation and improve glucose metabolism in patients with diabetes.

Laboratory of Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids - nz9 1274

Veronika Paluchova was awarded Barrande Fellowship Program 2020 – Internship grant in category Life Sciences and Medicine (Evaluation of oxidative stress biomarkers in mouse models with genetically altered Peroxiredoxin 6.)


Our laboratory has been awarded the grant GA20-00317S New metabolic pathway in the synthesis of anti-diabetic lipokines (2020-2022).


Ondrej Kuda has been awarded Lumina Quaeruntur praemium.

Laboratory of Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids - be8a2326


Song; J. - Duivenvoorde; L. P. M. - Grefte; S. - Kuda; Ondřej - Martínez-Ramírez; Felipe - van der Stelt; I. - Mastorakou; D. - van Schothorst; E. M. - Keijer; J. Normobaric hypoxia shows enhanced FOXO1 signaling in obese mouse gastrocnemius muscle linked to metabolism and muscle structure and neuromuscular innervation. Pflugers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology. 2023; 475(11); 1265-1281.

IF = 4.5

Drastichová; Z. - Trubačová; Radka - Novotný; J. Regulation of phosphosignaling pathways involved in transcription of cell cycle target genes by TRH receptor activation in GH1 cells. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2023; 168(Dec); 115830.

IF = 7.5

Cheema; Marie Munawar - Kotrbová Macáková; Zuzana - Hrčka Krausová; Barbora - Adla; Santosh Kumar - Slavíková; Barbora - Chodounská; Hana - Kratochvíl; Miroslav - Vondrášek; Jiří - Sedlák; David - Balaštík; Martin - Kudová; Eva 5?-reduced neuroactive steroids as modulators of growth and viability of postnatal neurons and glia. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2024; 239(May); 106464.

IF = 4.1

Jágr; M. - Hofinger-Horvath; B. - Ergang; Peter - Čepková Hlásná; P. - Schönlechner; R. - Pichler; E. Ch. - DAmico; S. - Grausgruber; H. - Vagnerová; Karla - Dvořáček; V. Comprehensive study of the effect of oat grain germination on the content of avenanthramides. Food Chemistry. 2024; 437(Part 1 30 March); 137807.

IF = 8.8

Šiklová; M. - Šrámková; V. - Koc; M. - Krauzová; E. - Čížková; T. - Ondrůjová; B. - Wilhelm; M. - Varaliová; Z. - Kuda; Ondřej - Neubert; J. - Lambert; L. - Elkalaf; M. - Gojda; J. - Rossmeislová; L. The role of adipogenic capacity and dysfunctional subcutaneous adipose tissue in the inheritance of type 2 diabetes mellitus: cross-sectional study. Obesity. 2024; 32(3); 547-559.

IF = 6.9

Čajka; Tomáš - Hricko; Jiří - Rakušanová; Stanislava - Brejchová; Kristýna - Nováková; Michaela - Rudl Kulhavá; Lucie - Holá; Veronika - Paučová; Michaela - Fiehn; O. - Kuda; Ondřej Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography–Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange–Mass Spectrometry (HILIC-HDX-MS) for Untargeted Metabolomics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(5); 2899.

IF = 5.6



Head of Laboratory

Vedoucí oddělení
Tel: 2448

Deputy Head of Laboratory

Laboratory staff

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