Since 2015 The Czech Academy of Sciences wants to more focus to the public interest and welfare of society. It´d be possible better respond to the challenges of time and demonstrate the fact that basic research is crucial not only for the dissemination of knowledge, but also the driving force of real innovation in many areas of human activity. The new strategy, which currently represents the Academy of Sciences of the public under the title “Top research in the public interest“, includes a total of 14 interdisciplinary research programs. One of them is the program QUALITAS whose motto “Wellbeing in health and disease” says clearly what will be his main task.
There are involved 24 institutes (incl. Institute of Physiology) there. The main coordinator is doc. Jakub Otáhal (FGU). Crucial for understanding the causes of major diseases and to limit their impact on individuals and society is a quality multidisciplinary research. It represents primarily the study of molecular, cellular, system and population aspects of development of disease, natural regenerative mechanisms, as well as solutions related ethical and legal issues arising not only from new treatments. More you can see also the video here.