Institute of Physiology, co-organized the world’s largest conference in the field of theoretical and numerical Computational Neurosciences Neuroscience (CNS), 2015. One of the two main organizers of the conference was Dr. Martin Zápotocký of the Department of Computational Neuroscience. There were about 530 participants who were exchanging knowledge on topic of developing complex computer analyzes and models for evaluating and processing the data obtained in experiments neuroscientists. Computational neuroscience are tasked to mathematically describe the function of the brain and the processes taking place there. Therefore combine mathematical analysis and computer modeling with experimental neurosciences to better understand the fundamentals of the functioning of the nervous system, and to use this knowledge in medicine and various technologies.
Many of the themes investigated by scientists at the Institute of Physiology both practically and theoretically, using computer simulations and modeling. The scientists study various aspects of nerve transmission, dealing with the nature of the biochemical signal transduction between cells of the nervous system integration features, including a set of mental processes known as cognitive function, including memory, spatial orientation and learning. They are also deal with the nervous system such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia and depression. More