Epileptic seizures do not come as a bolt from the blue

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An international team, led by Czech scientists, has shown that one of the elementary natural principles is also involved in the emergence of epileptic seizures. The discovery of the existence of the so-called critical deceleration principle in the epileptic brain presumes that the seizure is preceded by a gradual loss of stability and resistance of the brain, and little by little, the brain becomes much more susceptible to seizures.

Scientists from the Institute of Physiology CAS in collaboration with colleagues from the Institute of Computer Science CAS, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Czech Technical University, the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and other colleagues from foreign universities in Melbourne, Oxford and Birmingham have shown, both in experimental models of epilepsy and in patients, that seizures may be preceded by detectable changes in brain activity.

Press release (in Czech)

Photo (The human brain during a seizure)