PhD student conference 2019

On Oct 29. – 31. 2019 the biannual PhD student conference of the IPHYS took place at the Congress hotel Jezerka in Sec. During the conference 19 students gave talks and 45 presented their work as posters. In addition, a lecture and a workshop on presentation skill development was given by Jason Hwang and two talks on career development were given by Michaela Tencerová, Ph.D. and Helena Janícková, Ph.D. The three best talks and posters were selected and awarded. These were:

The Best Talk Award: 1st place: Vendula Cecmanová, 2nd place: Viktor Sinica, 3rd place: Kristína Cechová.

The Best Poster Award: 1st place: Sarka Danacíková, 2nd place: Rimjhim Tomar and 3rd place: Daniela Alexová and Lucie Lenková.

Congratulations to all the winners!

PhD student conference 2019 - sec