František Vyskocil received Prize of the President of The Czech Academy of Sciences for the research popularization

František Vyskocil received Prize of the President of The Czech Academy of Sciences for the research popularization on Tuesday, October 16, 2018 in Lanna’s villa in Prague. Prof. Eva Zažímalová, the chairwoman of the CAS,  awarded the important scientists of the Czech Academy of Sciences for extraordinary results of research, experimental development and innovation. The award of the President of the CAS for the promotion or popularization of research, experimental development and innovation was received František Vyskocil, a neurophysiologist and at the same time a lifelong popularizer of science in print media, such as the magazine Vesmír, but also in radio and television programs. “We educate ourselves in the promotion of science and we ourselves learn how to teach,” stated Vyskocil in a thank-you speech


František Vyskocil received Prize of the President of The Czech Academy of Sciences for the research popularization - Ceny AV CR 2018 01 jpg 812770814