BIOCEV-Krč Methodological Seminars

BIOCEV-Krč Methodological Seminars - bg 3
BIOCEV-Krč Methodological Seminars - 01 projekt vedeckeho centra biocev dokoncen centroprojekt

Seminars by BioCEV.


19th BioCEV-Krč Methodological Seminar... - The Network of Czech Biobanks: Access to human samples...
Radioisotopic Methods Program venue: Lecture hall of the Institute of Physiology CAS...
Campus Animal Facility venue: Milan Hašek lecture hall, IMG CAS...
Topic: Spatial metabolomics Program...
Topic: Open Science Program...
Topic: Telemetry of key whole body phenotypes and indirect calometry in small laboratory animals...
Bioinformatics Program...
Centre of Molecular Structure, Lecture hall of Institute of Physiology CAS, Vídenská 1083 Program...
"Patch-clamping in the Krc campus", Institute of Experimental Medicine CAS (Turquoise Lounge) Program...


IPHYS Contact Person
Head of Laboratory
Tel: 2620