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We study physiological processes in the human organism in health and disease. We study the mechanisms of serious human diseases. We are mainly interested in diseases of the heart, brain and metabolic disorders.

Discover the world of physiology!

How does your memory work? Can you navigate your own body? Do you know how your biological clock is ticking? We have some tasks for you to find out more about your body and other interesting facts.

We would like to introduce a unique board game “Burn your fat”, which introduces the biochemical processes of lipid and glucose metabolism in a fun way. This strategic game allows players to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of molecules and energy processes of the human body. The game helps develop teamwork, lateral thinking, and raises awareness of health topics such as obesity. The game was developed by Ondřej Kuda from the Laboratory of Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids.

Players work together in teams of two to break down accumulated fat into water and carbon dioxide to produce ATP molecules – a key source of energy in the body. The game is designed to make even complex biochemical concepts understandable and accessible. With minimal material costs – just print the game plan, make the playing pieces and tokens on a 3D printer and buy the dice – this activity provides an opportunity to engage high school and university students and visitors to popular science events in metabolic transformations.

Game materials for download

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