Two young Institute of Physiology´s scientists were awarded Otto Wichterle prize

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic is awarded annually young scientists for the important scientific task. Two scientists from the Institute of Physiology were among 26 scientists who 3 June 2014 took award from the chairman of the AS CR Prof. Jirí Drahoš. Mgr. Petr Pecina, Ph.D. and Dr. Ondrej Kuda, Ph.D. honored for the scientific contribution in the field of life sciences.

Two young Institute of Physiology´s scientists were awarded Otto Wichterle prize - Petr Pecina(FGÚ) 3 6 2014 Prémie Otto Wichterleho foto skys (66) 

Mgr. Petr Pecina, Ph.D.


Two young Institute of Physiology´s scientists were awarded Otto Wichterle prize - Ondrej Kuda(FGÚ)3 6 2014 Prémie Otto Wichterleho foto skys (64)

Dr. Ondrej Kuda, Ph.D.